Friday, August 31, 2007

People must be nuts.

It finally happened. I got a call yesterday saying I got the fucking job... How awesome is that. The guy told me they only hired two people out of twenty two. I just cannot believe I was one of the two. Honestly, I am just really happy I can bullshit my way through anything. If it weren't for my constant yapping for almost two hours, I doubt they would even look at me among all those other candidates. I guess my social skills are good for something after all and all that chatting random people up in bars finally paid off... And people say going out is a waste. It got me a job...
I still cannot believe they actually gave me a job.
Another thing is that the company I interviewed with first also wanted to bring me in for another round of interviews but I guess I am going to pass that offer since... it was one damn job I wanted.
You know what I've realized? It doesn't really matter what set of skills you have and what you can do with them, but more like being able to sell yourself and present your skill set in the best light possible. You can have minimal skills or virtually no working experience (hello, that's me), and still land a very decent job if you are able to make other people like you and convince them you actually know something. They must have believed me if they decided to call me back. And another thing? As I've mentioned yesterday, I interviewed with five different teams and apparently they all liked me and would like me to work for them. Which works out perfect for me since I have a choice now as to what I will be doing for the next few years... That is if I don't get bored with it again... And even if I do, I can always find another job. It's not like it's a difficult thing to do. I can bullshit my way through pretty much anything. And I will actually have some relevant experience once I start this position.
I wish they only knew what they are doing by hiring me...
Crazy people.

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