Monday, August 20, 2007

The light at the end of the tunnel.

I finally got a phone call from my recruiter this morning telling me she was able to arrange an interview with this financial company I would love to work for. It is scheduled for next Tuesday but I still need to have an interview prep before I go there. The good thing is, these recruiters will actually meet with me to go over the details of the interview, things to expect and lookout for, and such. The only thing left for me to do is to show up for an interview. So wish me luck.
But as usually happens with me, I have to mess up somewhere. Everything cannot be perfect. So I did. On my way home. Last night I got a voice message from this guy whom I met Saturday, but I didn't get a chance to call him back or store his name in my phone. I just figured I'd call him back the next day. Today, as I was sitting at work, I got another phone call from the number I knew was his. Since it wasn't stored, I couldn't tell for sure, but I was pretty positive it was the same number that appeared on my called ID last night. As I was driving back home, I decided to call him back. So I dialed the number and when someone picked up on the other end, said "Hey, it's [me]. What's up with you?" The person, and it was a guy, sounded very surprised, so I repeated the greeting, now adding "dude" at the end of the sentence. The person went quiet so I figured I called the wrong number, or that the guy is sharing a number with someone, and just hung up. Then I decided to check my messages. As I was listening to the most recent one, I felt the color draining from my face and my mouth fell open - the guy who called me while I was at work wasn't the Saturday guy, but turned out to be an HR manager I had a phone interview with last week. You must be kidding me... I cannot believe that an idiot like me did not listen to her messages first and then returned a phone call. I cannot believe I asked him what is up... I cannot believe I called him "dude"... Oh I hope he did not recognize the phone number! The fact that no one called back gave me some hope, but not much... Stupid, stupid, stupid me...
My friend recently told me his desk is an organized confusion... With me, it's even worse.

My life seems to be an organized confusion...

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