Thursday, August 09, 2007

Finito La Commedia.

I think I'm done playing games with E. There's another proof in the string of my recent relationships how easily I get bored with a person. Relationship is the wrong word here though, since it wasn't one... more like... I can't even think of the right word. I just don't want to pretend anymore that there's something there when I know there isn't. Since that last Wednesday, I saw him once again during the weekend. I heard from him that Saturday when he text messaged me to say it was hot outside. Well, no shit... it's hot outside here too. We then made tentative plans for Sunday, after he gets off work. As I was doing my usual Sunday evening thing, i.e. reading a book and sipping a latte at Starbucks, he asked me if I were bored. Well, not really, but if you got better things to do... We decided to meet up later that same evening and it would've been even more fun if he hadn't been complaining about how tired he was... poor thing. In any case, I managed to leave early this time leaving him to get some sleep and trying to catch up on my own a bit.
... As I was talking to my friends yesterday afternoon though, I realized that this fling is basically over for me and it's about time to wrap things up. I still sent him a message on Tuesday asking him what he was up to. I didn't want to disappear so abruptly. His reply was, "Was sleeping". Oh well, I let him sleep that evening.
Yesterday I was in DC, as usual. Imagine my surprise when I saw him and his friends there too... Actually, I saw his friends first and I am pretty sure they saw and recognized me too. Still, I just kept walking straight to my friends who were sitting nearby. After all, I only saw them once so it's not like we were obligated to talk to each other. Moments later though, he came by to me presumably to say Hi. I didn't see him approach since I was facing in another direction but my friend darted her eyes in his direction when she saw him, so I figured someone was behind me. We made some small talk and then he asked me how come he never heard from me again. I told him I messaged him last night and didn't hear back... I didn't say I received that last text. He looked surprised but didn't say anything. We talked for a few more seconds or so and then he was off and I was back to my friends.
Did I tell you how much I love my friends? They didn't ask me any unnecessary questions and were satisfied with my "Eh, it wasn't working" answer to their question as to why it's over... One thing they did ask me about was if he were good in bed... Amusing... But seriously, the thing is, I don't know how to answer this myself... not the bed question, you know what I mean. And until I figure it out for myself, I can't answer to anyone else either... Good thing they understand. I wish I knew it at least for myself though...

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