Thursday, August 30, 2007

Getting away.

I had yet another interview this morning. I truly think it went much better than the one yesterday. I did have to meet with five different managers which was a bit overwhelming and somewhat annoying towards the end (try to repeat the same thing to five different people). However, I enjoyed it overall and I am pretty sure that the first manager liked me as she took more than the allotted half an hour to talk to me. Looks like a good sign to me. I liked one more manager, or should I say I would be interested in working on her team the most as well...
Yesterday was the usual Wednesday night and, as usual, I was in DC. This time, a few of my friends called me up so it was ten of us that went out. It was pretty awesome since I haven't seen some of those people for months. It just meant the evening was going to turn out to be even more exciting than usual. And then a good friend of mine broke news to me that he is leaving the country for a year... going to Africa... leaving next Friday. Damn, damn, damn. It was very upsetting in a way since I've known this guy for ages by now and I will really miss him while he's gone. On the other hand, with all the things that have been going on in his life lately, he does need to get away from here to straighten his life and sort out his thoughts. So hopefully it'll do him some good. Plus, I might meet him in Europe next spring when he takes his vacation and I finally leave this country to travel around a little bit.
Can't wait till that happens...

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