Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Young and restless... still.

Seriously, I thought weekends were invented for people to rest. And yet, after this past one, I feel as if I've never stopped to take a break from work. This Monday felt like Friday all over again... At least it was fun.
This year, my birthday fell on this past weekend, therefore I couldn't miss the opportunity to take full advantage of it and instead of having a birth day, have a birth weekend. Why not, right? I decided to take it slow Friday since I knew Saturday would be pretty busy and I needed to be rested. As a result, I ended up in the local bar with a friend and her potential new man. Apparently, she wanted to get my opinion on him to decide whether she wanted to date him or not. The night flew by fairly quick, and then we decided to leave the place and move to some lounge. However, as we were trying to get into one, the bouncer wouldn't let us in since the guy we were with wasn't dressed appropriately. Big deal... we just went to R.'s house and hung out there for another hour or so.
Next day was like a blur. I spent half of the afternoon on the phone trying to coordinate things with my friends who were coming out with me. My stupid phone was going off every ten minutes. Finally, by 8pm everything and everyone seemed settled and I could breath easier... except it started raining. That's just great. Then, as I was about to leave my house, my friend told me that the highway was blocked due to some major accident. Apparently, as he was driving to my house, he saw a fire truck standing perpendicular to the traffic. That sucked big time. I was running late as it is, and having to take an alternative route would delay me even further. That's why I convinced my friends to try and take highway before we do anything else. To my great relief, everything was cleared by the time we left and we got to DC on time. We also got totally soaked the moment we got out of the car. It was raining like crazy and the place we went to looked much emptier than usual. That suited me well since at least we had space to move both inside and outside... The night turned out to be awesome, even though some of my friends couldn't make it because of the rain. It was about fifteen of us that made it and everyone ended up having a good time. We finally left the lounge not long before it closed and headed home. I got to my bed exhausted and passed out almost immediately, but no before uploading all my pictures on my laptop... there's a lot of blackmail there, if you ask me.
And the funniest thing was the present that my friend gave me - the case of wine. It was awesome and so hilarious, and right on point. Now, not only can I get drunk while I'm out but also slowly become an alcoholic within the walls of my own apartment. Just joking... fantastic present though.
Sunday wasn't any slower since it was the day my family came over. More than twenty of them. It was loud and long, but still pretty fun. We certainly laughed our asses off at one guy's jokes and stories - I remember him since I was ten, always telling funny stories and making everyone else laugh till they cried.
Once everyone left, I still had to go meet a few other friends. I have a group of friends who normally don't go out anywhere except movies and Starbucks, and they wanted to see me too over the weekend. I met up with them around 11pm and spend another hour chatting. When I got home around 12:30am, I was exhausted yet again and couldn't believe the weekend was over.
Don't get me wrong, I had a ton of fun, but I feel like there was no weekend at all and that I started off this week without getting any rest. It was all worth it. And by the way, I feel like I'm getting old now... really old. Alright, alright, I am just kidding again. I am having too much fun to feel old. And another great thing? No drama this weekend with guys. Which is an accomplishment in and of itself. Actually, no... I am lying now. Although I wouldn't call it "drama". More like a funny episode.
When I was talking to my friends Saturday night, some guy came over to me and started a conversation, claiming he knows me. His face definitely looked familiar but I couldn't remember where I know him from. And then he said, " You are the one who borrowed my jacket a few months ago!". That's when it came to me... I know him through another friend of mine when we were out together, and as we were about to head home, I took his jacket since it was chilly outside and we had a long walk to the car. I truly hope he got his jacket back, although him not mentioning anything else about it convinced me that he did. The guy told me that since it was my birthday I had to dance with him... and I wanted to, but I was so busy with other people that I simply did not have time to do it. Sorry, hope he forgives me... I guess I'll make it up to him next time I run into him... which I'm sure will happen pretty soon... it's been a theme with me lately... running into people I know from somewhere... half of the time not knowing where I know them from...

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