Thursday, August 23, 2007

Organized confusion.

So today started off kind of weird and up until now, proved to be hilarious. One major thing is the fact that I stayed home last night even though it was a Wednesday night. I simply overslept and by the time I woke up it was too late to go anywhere. My friends bitched at me that I abandoned them but I figured they are together so they would have just as much fun. It's not like I was leaving one of them alone in DC. I missed being out though...
As I was driving to work today, the real fun began. First, I got a text message from this guy I met last Saturday, saying "Bella, went to [DC lounge] yesterday but you weren't there, was looking for you". I then remembered telling him that I usually go to that place on Wednesday. I replied saying that I wasn't there last night. Poor guy... went out all the way to DC hoping I was going to be there. Oh well, it's not like I promised him to show up... not like we made any plans. Then I messaged my friends asking them how their night went, and telling them about the morning message from this guy. Around 11am, one of them replied, "I thought I saw him there... How could you stand him up when he went there just for you?" Obviously, she was mocking me so I replied with some dumb joke and then asked what else was interesting. "Some guy was asking R. about you". OK, this was getting interesting. I waited for another hour until R. got on the messenger hoping to find out who the guy was. Here's how our conversation went.
R.: Do you remember white dude with spikes at [DC lounge]?
Me: White dude with spikes?
R.: Spiky (gel) hair
Me: Short and lean one? (at this point I was thinking about a friend of mine I hang out with quite often all over DC... but then he's not really white...)
R.: Yes.
Me: He's not white... wears a lot of neck jewelry? Hangs out with bold dude? About my height?
R.: No jewelry, he was dancing with you the other time at [the lounge], and then you started kissing, I thought you knew as he acted as if he were good friends with you...
Me: (first of all, I've never kissed anyone there, and now I have absolutely no clue who that was) Kissing? I've never kissed anyone at [the lounge]... lately...
R.: Yes you did! I remember!
Me: I am trying to remember. Definitely white? When was it?
R.: Yes, definitely, definitely, definitely.
Me: Copman? (a nickname my friends gave to my most recent now-ex-flame)
R.: No. It was maybe last week or the one before that.
Me: (OK, so after Copman) The one you bought cigarettes for?
R.: No! Okay, white dude, brown hair, not the cigarettes guy...
Me: (last chance guess that I just thought of) Oh I remember... The one who was sitting with us outside and then went inside... The one you said wasn't your type?
R.: Yes.
Me: Ah... Finally! (I almost forgot about him). What about him?
R.: He was asking about you and looking for you.
Me: Oh? And? (I can't believe she just put me through all that if nothing even happened. I was hoping for some interesting story there).
R.: He was just wondering where you were. That is all.
Me: Damn, I have to start making PSAs every time I plan to show up there. S. told me she saw the guy from Saturday looking for me, now you are telling me about this guy...
Seriously, this is so funny. Half an hour spent trying to figure out who it was... And by the way, I never kissed that guy. We danced, yes, but that was it. I don't care about him anyway, so all that excitement was for nothing... bummer.
Oh well, back to my iPod and The Economist.
And yes, I am definitely going out to [the lounge] today. I guess I have to check in and show my ass there before someone files a missing person report...

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