Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Back to work and a car accident.

And I am back to work again. Which pretty much sucks. The weekend was awesome though, although I can't remember what I did Friday... I take it as a good sign. No wait, I do... I am pretty sure I fell asleep and then spent the rest of the night in front of the TV with a bottle of wine. So, as you can see it was pretty uneventful. Saturday night I went out with N. and few of her friends. She called me earlier on Friday begging me to come out with her... I think she needed me as a security blanket. She was meeting her ex-husband's cousin and thought it was going to be weird, therefore she asked me to come out with her. Which I did, and it was supposed to be fun until the Buzz Kill showed up. After that point I knew the evening would go down the drain, so I called up R. and S. and asked them to meet me in Chinatown at this place I wanted to check out for a long time. It was a total disappointment. We stayed for about fifteen minutes when S. started whining about it and asked us to leave. First, we agreed to leave in an hour... then in thirty minutes, then we cut it to ten. And guess where we headed? If you are thinking about a [certain DC lounge], you are absolutely right. It was a whirl of music and familiar faces, as usual, and that night I got to bed around 5am. As usual.
The following Sunday we decided to take it easy and meet up at the hookah lounge in Georgetown. Naturally, everyone was late and by the time we got there, it was dark outside. Nevertheless, we got shisha and stayed outside for a few hours. I say "we", but honestly I was the only one smoking it. You know those annoying people who occupy a table outside for hours, talk and laugh loudly and act obnoxious in general? Don't you hate them? I know I do. Well, we were those people that day. The evening flew by like a minute and we agreed to meet up the next day for a movie and dinner. Plus, it was Labor Day so staying home would be a crime in and of itself.
The next morning (or afternoon... when I woke up) I got a text from A. asking if I wanted to go to the mall and help him pick out a few shirts. I didn't want to go at first but staying home sounded even worse, so I agreed to meet him. Shopping was fun except for a few nuances:
  • First, we couldn't find the mall that we needed and spent about half an hour walking around
  • Once we were done shopping, we could not remember where we parked the car. I guess we were so excited to have found the mall in the first place that we forgot to check where we are leaving it. We spent the next hour and a half looking for the damn thing. And naturally, A. did not have a panic button or anything... Who knew that the mall has four different parking garages. The car was in the third... So I guess the panic button would have been useless anyway.
  • As we were driving back home, we got in an accident. My friend hit a partition on a highway, flew out onto the interstate lanes, did a 360 there, spun across four lanes and finally managed to stop the car. I am so grateful it wasn't busy that day, otherwise we wouldn't be the only once who had been in an accident. The damages? Smashed headlight, fucked fender and the rear-view mirror, and scratched doors and rear fender. To my surprise, the bumper and the hood were intact and in perfect condition. From the sound of the impact I thought the engine would be on the ground at this point. I guess we got lucky... somewhat.

It definitely wasn't a lucky day for the car. The stars definitely aligned against it. After that, we went to get dinner and talk about what can be done to repair the damages.

As you've probably guessed, I did not see the "Rush Hour 3" that day. I just went home, thankful for being alive and unharmed...

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