Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A mysterious call.

I just had my first job interview today. It went... OK I guess. It wasn't as great as I thought it would be, but then again, I primarily went there to prepare myself for tomorrow's gig since that is the one I really want. The atmosphere was pretty relaxed and informal but, to my horror, I realized that the position is very similar to what I am doing now... and I am trying to escape this line of work. They do seem a lot more forgiving and less stringent but I doubt they would accept my salary requirements anyway. But it was worth a try and helped me avoid the important interview jitters.
The funny thing happened while I was driving back to work. Naturally... when was the last thing something interesting happened? I wouldn't be exaggerating if I say yesterday... Anyhow, I have to back up a little bit... when I was interviewing with managers my phone went off... twice. It was on vibrate so I don't think they heard it, but it was still uncomfortable. Every time it went off, I tried to talk as loud as I could to prevent them from hearing it. Hope it worked. Anyhow, once I was in my car I decided to call back to see who was so persistent. I didn't know the number so when some guy picked up on the other end, I just told him that someone just called me from this number, and then asked who it was. The guy replied, "Is this S.?" - naming some random girl name. "No, you have the wrong number". And then I asked him where he got the number from. He said that some girl gave it to him when he was in DC. Me, thinking that maybe I have done it and just forgot about it, asked when and where it happened. He said it was in Cheesecake Factory in Georgetown. Now I knew it couldn't have been me since I don't go there... ever. And then something unexpected happened... the guy said "Thank you" in Russian... so I said something back.
"You speak Russian?"
"Yes, do you?" I was surprised when he said he does. I expected to hear a few standard phrases that everyone knows, but he was fluent, although had an accent.
It was getting interesting so I kept chatting. He told me about his background and what he does. I decided not to tell him anything, since I didn't know who he was. At the end, when I was about to hang up he asked if we could meet sometimes.
"What for?"
"To hang out somewhere"
"Well, we'll figure out a way to hang out sometime". I will probably never see him anyway.
Seriously, what are the odds of a guy getting a wrong number from a girl (maybe even on purpose), calling that number and coming upon a girl who also speaks his language. What are the odds of me calling him back and keeping up with the conversation until I found out he used to live there for a while... This is very mysterious...
In any case, I have to prepare for my interview tomorrow now and give myself a crash course on CMOs and SOX.
Until the next time.

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