Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A sigh of relief.

So all this mess with the HR manager yesterday? Totally exaggerated to my deepest relief. I called him back today from another phone number and he didn't seem to recognize me since I tried to change my voice up a bit too. Or it is also possible that he is professional enough to pretend he wasn't aware who it was. Either way I am happy we were able to put this misunderstanding behind us.
Now I am happy to announce that I actually have some options. Ah, it feels so good to have options. I have two job interviews next week, and even though the one I mentioned yesterday is more important to me, it's good to know I have a back up. Or at least I can pin them against one another if it comes to choosing between the two. Of course, in order to do that, I have to secure both positions. I am keeping my fingers crossed. For both of them.
I also switched up a bit my plans about buying a new place. Now I decided to wait until winter. First of all, I am hoping for the interest rates cut. Part of it came true last Friday when the Fed finally cut the discount rate. Now I just have to wait for the federal rate cut. Next, I decided to boost my credit score in order to move it from "Good" to "Excellent". I am almost there... actually according to two out of three credit bureaus, I am there, but the other one doesn't think so. Therefore I applied for the credit card earlier today in order to increase my credit line. That, in turn, should bring my credit score up a few points before I am finally ready to buy a house. Another thing, and possibly a major reason, is the fact that I am currently in the process of looking for a new job and, in turn, higher income. Although I think I will be able to qualify for the loan I need now, a higher pay will give me more options and greater flexibility. Plus, I'll be able to save up some more towards my down payment and other associated costs. Lastly, I want to wait a bit and see what happens to the market. I am positive that the buyer market will hold for at least another year, so I have until at least next summer to buy something... Just a few thoughts here.
Anyhow, it's almost time to go home and definitely time to pack up my stuff. Seriously, my iPod has been my savior at work over the past few weeks. It definitely got me through some rough boring days. Just need to keep uploading more songs into it...

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