Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The New Year Celebration.

Oh wow... where do I begin? Amazing times!!!
Let me start by saying it was fucking awesome. All those worries I had about screwing up my holidays went out of the window the moment I stepped into the club. But I need to back up a bit and tell you how many freaking people there were in DC. By the time we got into the club it was already packed and I swear another three thousand people waiting outside, and I really think that the majority of them did not get into the club until after midnight and I am really thankful that we knew a few bouncers there and were able to get in without waiting in line. And without having to pay I-don't-know-how-much to get into the club. Another observation I made? They definitely jacked up the prices and were charging more than ten dollars per drinks. What the hell? Not only they charged hundred something to get in, but also raised their prices. Huh, nice way to milk a New Year. But anyhow, I shouldn't be complaining here since I ended up having a blast. I can only wish they played this kind of music every time I am out. It was amazing! The funny thing is I had a lot to drink but did not feel the slightest buzz up until my last drink. Still, it was nothing like I would have felt had I had this amount of alcohol on a regular day. Maybe the explanation lies in the fact I was bouncing around like a damn yo-yo all night long. Now I kind of fear the pictures that my friend took... Probably looked like a crazy person. Too bad. I am sure the pictures will come out awesome.
Oh, and I totally forgot to mention me having to comfort my friend when we was having a meltdown. At a club. At 3am. On a New Year night. Yes, I know. The funniest thing is, I did not understand why she would cry over what had happened because any other person in her place would be happy and should be so lucky to have what she has. In any case, I had to spend five minutes telling her exactly what I mentioned above and reinforcing every word of it until she stopped crying. Good. I am starting my new year with helping someone. Hopefully it'll reflect on my karma. Because it's been shitty lately.
We hung out for a little bit after we left the place since no one wanted to drive home right away for obvious reasons. Cops, anyone? At least I had some time to sort through all those text messages I received wishing me a Happy New Year and reply to all of them. Then I had to figure out who sent me the rest of the messages that I didn't have a name tied to and decide if I wanted to reply to them. And I did. After all, the person meant well when sending me the message, so I have to reciprocate, right? And then I did something unthinkable. I texted the guy I was involved with a long time ago wishing him Happy Holidays. Which would have been totally fine had I not added "babe" at the end. I genuinely hoped he'd never replied since we didn't part on the best terms, but he did indeed. When I saw a text from him yesterday, I couldn't bring myself to read it for about two hours not willing to face whatever it was saying. Was he still angry? Pissed? Disappointed? Did not care one way or another? Finally, I decided I want to know no matter what was there. Well, it said, "You too my love". Are you kidding? I would say he's mocking me, but I never got an impression he was like that when I was with him, but then again, I never pissed him off as much as I did the last time we spoke. So I guess it's another mystery for me...
Oh, and my friend is coming back from overseas today, and my other one from out of state tomorrow, and I can't wait to drag them both out. Tomorrow night.

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