Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Back to work.

I was so dreading going to work this morning, and as it turns out, for good reasons. I've been only gone for one day (well, one working day since I don't count holidays. And seriously, what idiot would keep the office open yesterday if everyone is off because of the mourning for President Ford), but I swear it felt like ages. Only going through my mailbox took me almost an hour. I never would have thought I receive so many emails in one day. And this is during our downtime. I guess you really never pay attention to things until you see the bigger picture.
Anyhow, I had so much stuff to do but did not get to it until after lunch. First, I had to do some manual labor cleaning out a desk for a new associate. Damn, these people keep a lot of papers and old documents in their desks. I swear, when I leave the firm I'll clean out my desk so that no one can make fun of me like we did today. Then I had about fifteen minutes to have lunch before my training and thankfully we had sandwiches in the kitchen so I just rummaged that.
And the most important part - the new kids are staring today and we have to train them. I met my kid before I left and he seemed nice and I think he looks smart. Hopefully. Because I don't want to deal with another disaster of a thought process and intellect.
Oh, and R. texted me this morning again and then called me after work. Dude, get the hint - I am ignoring you. If I wanted to get together I would have replied to the message he sent the other day. He left a voice message but I haven't listened to it yet. Not sure I even want to or care... I think it's time to move to someone else now. New. Now I just need to find that someone.

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