Monday, August 14, 2006

The end of an era...

I just broke up with this guy I've been seeing... Although I am not sure "broke up" is a correct word. You can't really say "broke up" if you haven't been dating in the first place, am I right? Which we haven't. As I am sure people who are familiar with "Sex and the City" know, the correct term to describe our relationship, or him to be more exact, is a "fuck buddy". So there you go, I just broke up with my "fuck buddy". My friend decided to be supportive of me... in her opinion "Oh wow, I thought you guys are going to get married and have kids together" is very encouraging. Bullshit. I think the fact that we went on a vacation together made her think that. I liked to describe him as my longest non-relationship. We actually lasted about two and a half years... Damn, as I typed it I actually realized how long it has been. What can I say - it's been fun.
It started as an innocent attempt to fix my notebook... which turned into surfing that very notebook for different songs ( I have to admit I have extended and, should I say, pretty awesome song collection)... which turned into watching a movie.. which turned into a few beers... which turned into you get an idea what. Fix the notebook my ass...I We spent about 45 minutes trying to fix it and the next four hours in bed. Now, here's another confession... when I asked him to help me repair it, I was thinking that it would be a great opportunity to sleep with him (which I was after since I met him four months earlier), but I quickly dismissed that idea and the evening I went to his place I didn't even think something would happen... if I did, I would have definitely worn lacier and racier undergarments... trust me. But then another thing I noticed with guys - they don't give a crap about your underwear and it usually comes off with your clothing... so for all they care you can wear granny panties and they wouldn't notice. But I am getting distracted here. Anyway, as I was driving home the next morning, I mentally added another notch on my headboard naming him a one-night-stand-shit-happens-now-all-our-mutual-friends-will-know-about-it kind of guy. Apparently he thought differently because a few days later I got a call from him, and since I was single at that point, nothing was holding me from seeing him again... and again... and again. Before I knew it, it turned into some sort of a habit, and now my every Thursday and sometimes Sunday was booked. But I am just rambling here now, and it's not my goal to tell all about this non-relationship.
I totally blame my job for this. And him of course. He couldn't deal with the fact that my job came first and I had to cancel of him two times in a row. Oh, and maybe the fact that I cursed him out the last time I blew him off... I just don't need some guy telling me how "not nice" it is to cancel plans twice while I am trying to work with three of my clients at the same time who "just need everything to be done by 9am the following morning". It's not like we are dating. So sorry, he is not going to pay my bills and someone definitely has to (hint, hint... me), therefore I stayed late at work. In fact, I stayed until about 10pm wrapping up everything.
I didn't really expect to hear from him again after that and I for sure am not about to call him first. The fact is I started having reservations about this relationship a few months ago. The whole thing was definitely fun in the beginning but two years later it simply became old. And if I closed my eyes in the beginning I wasn't about to do it now. You know what's the worst thing a guy can do to turn me off? It is not cheating... it is lying to me. And with time I could read his face and I knew when he was lying... and hated it. Because he did it quite often. C'mon, just be a man and tell me the truth... how hard can it be? Now I am not going to sit here and say that I didn't try to turn it into something more serious (read consistent) in the beginning, but when I realized that he has been dishonest with me on numerous occasions, my desire just evaporated.
It definitely is the end of an era... I am not paying for his bed though.
The thing that concerns me the most is that I either have to find myself a boyfriend or another fuck buddy because life without sex is pretty vanilla... But I am sure you already know that.

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