Saturday, January 20, 2007

Life is a challenge...

I have always wondered how some people can be sycophantic and condescending at the same time. I have gotten myself in yet another fight with A., as if Thanksgiving wasn't enough. Although I wasn't the one arguing or attempting to. The funny thing is, he always starts with picking the fight and blowing it up to enormous proportions and afterwards claims it's my fault for fighting with him. I would have believed him if I didn't know better and were slightly more sensitive to his ploys. However, this time was different in a sense that he finally showed himself for who he really is. I have always suspected him to be this kind of person judging by the way he spoke of his friends, but have never had any proof hence did not jump to any conclusions. Gave him a benefit of a doubt. Until last night when he really showed his true colors. I have a feeling he sometimes intentionally stages some situations in order to bring up something that happened in the past or bring his point across. Just so you don't think it's just empty words, here are some examples. He always asks me go meet him giving me a two hour advance notice and when I tell him I already made plans with friends, he gets mad. Basically, he tells me to drop everything I am doing or have planned and run hang out with him, which infuriates me immediately. First, I would never cancel on someone in order to hang out with another person - worse comes to worse, I'll invite them over to hang out all together. Second, it puzzles me that he thinks I am incapable of having a good time without him. What pisses me off even more is that he feels the need to drop all those famous names and parties he goes to and how he gets VIP access to events thinking it impresses me. Now, I am able to get into a lot of places and either get a table or receive a VIP access yet you don't hear me bragging about it in every conversation to make sure everyone knows how special I am. Yet he thinks it's some sort of a gift to me that he can take me to some bar he can get in to while claiming no one else can. The thing is, he forgets that I myself go out quite a lot and am familiar with DC and its parties and events. Therefore, I know for sure you don't need to know anyone to get in to the most of the places he mentions. Well, sometimes you need to get on a guest list but it certainly doesn't require knowing anyone, just having an email subscription to several websites that are hosting those events. But trust me, it takes about five minutes to register and it is not called VIP. The boy gets the guest list confused with the real thing when all you need to do to skip the line and get inside is show up. The sad thing is, this character trait never surfaced in him when we were seeing each other, and only appeared when we resumed talking. I think he felt the need to impress me or whatnot in order to get me back. One thing he didn't realize though was that I did not see him as anything more than a friend, therefore expected something from me I wasn't about to give. What's funny though, I told him I only want to be friends when we started talking again, but I guess he chose to ignore it thinking I will change my mind. Big oops on his part. He has no one to blame but himself for expecting something more when I made it clear in the very beginning it wasn't going to happen.
The worst part, however, was when he tried to both complement and insult me. Did he really think it'll work? Or that it'll somehow make me feel bad? I felt like he had the need to belittle me in order to make himself appear in a better light or to feel better about himself. Did he really think that by doing so he would make me realize that all this time he was a gift in disguise and that I'd run to him hoping he'd take me back? Didn't quite work. However, it did make me furious to the point I told him to stop talking to me. Ever. Nothing makes me angry more than someone accusing me of things I supposedly didn't do (when I never promised anything in the first place) or insulting me thinking it'll make me change my mind... I was truly amazed at how a person can go from nice and sweet to plain nasty in under five minutes. I was even more surprised to learn he wanted to be with me and nearly hated me at the same time. Nice combination, huh? In any case, I am grateful I never agreed to meet him after we split and kept our conversations very casual. I don't even want to think what he would have said had I seen him after we split up.
The worst part of this entire experience? I will never get my earrings back now...
... Life is a challenge - meet it. Sounds easier than it actually is, doesn't it?

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