Friday, December 29, 2006

The bomb threat.

Finally all those court issues are behind me and I can concentrate on getting some more tickets. Just kidding. But seriously, I am done with it and couldn't have been happier. It was supposed to take about an hour and I planned to be back at work by 11am, but did not get back until after lunch. Guess why. Apparently some dork called in a bomb threat and they had to evacuate the entire courthouse before cops showed up with those trained dogs to search the entire building. Although it was kind of amusing to see how relaxed everyone was after they found out (no one was panicking, people were laughing - I guess they get those calls every week or so), it wasn't all that hilarious having to wait outside for over an hour until they were finished. When I asked the bailiff what was going on, he told me about the threat in such a casual manner as if he was talking about the light bulb going out and them having to replace it. Seriously? Did we really get so used to these situations that we no longer react properly and think it's all just a big joke? Do we no longer think it can actually happen again? Or are we simply convinced that it only happens somewhere else but never to us?... Naturally, they did not find anything and could resume their proceedings. At least I had enough time to have a decent breakfast and rest a bit before going to work... And a drive was a breeze. Although it's been like that these past two weeks. Must be due to holidays.
Once I got to work, I got even more bad news. Apparently my Florida trip fell apart and we are staying in DC this year. Which is not the ideal solution but I guess not a bad one after all. Honestly, next time I try to plan anything, I need to hire a personal planner because I am absolutely incapable of organizing something bigger than a dinner or a night out. First we wanted to go to Caribbean but ultimately decided against it. By the time we settled our sights on Miami, it was only two weeks till New Year and plane ticket and hotel prices skyrocketed. Factor in party tickets, food and other entertainment and we were looking at a $1000 plus per person for three days. Even though it was a bit much (a bit?) we still were going through with it, but by the time we were ready to book tickets, prices went up by another couple of hundreds dollars. At that point it was so unreasonable to go there, we decided to drop the idea. The problem is, we decided it today and since New Year is the day after tomorrow, we have no plans or tickets for a night out in DC. Which could present a huge problem considering everything is pretty much sold out. Oh well, we'll see what happens...
On a brighter note, I got a text from my boy toy R. a few hours ago inquiring how I have been lately... Are you kidding me? I just ignored him but it sure made me laugh. Did he really think I'd reply or want to see him again after all this time? Seriously, he should just move on... Which I am sure he has already.

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