Thursday, January 25, 2007

An unforseen encounter.

It is either winter or me getting old, but lately I have not been as eager to go out as I have been only three months ago. I'll have to go with winter since the idea of getting old is somehow bugging the hell out of me. Nonetheless I decided I need to get out in order to unwind. I was mentally adding up the hours I've worked so far this week and came up with a number 35. By Wednesday! Do you see something wrong with this picture? Yeah, so do I.
I almost stayed home last night, but eventually dragged myself out despite the cold weather. And I am happy I did. It was definitely a time spent wisely, if that expression even applies to a night out. We got to this lounge a little after midnight and while my friend went MIA, I decided to light up. I do want to point out that I was slightly surprised I was the only one in the close vicinity, but I didn't pay much attention to it. This was then that my other friend popped out of nowhere yelling in my ear "Why are you smoking here?" Um, why not? "You are no longer allowed to smoke inside in DC." Oh shit. Totally forgot! I looked around and that's when it hit me - no one around me was smoking... I could see clearly... I could actually breath without feeling like I am constantly smoking... I saw the sign on the wall announcing it's indeed illegal to smoke inside and quoting the fine for not adhering to the law. Oops... I guess I'll have to take it outside. The nice thing was, the lounge actually set up a smoking area outside equipped with the heating lamp so it wasn't so bad having to be out after all. It just blows that from now on, every time I'd want to smoke I have to step outside. My friend actually suggested it may kick my smoking habit... I don't think so. Reduce at best.
All in all, I had fun and have no regrets about coming out. As I was about to leave, however, I saw my friend's ex. He noticed me too and made his way over to say Hi. Well, nothing wrong with that. Little did I know he was there with his other friend, this guy I went out with a few times but decided not to pursue him after all. Shit... Since he already saw me I had to go over there, so I did. I gave him a hug, greeted him, and then he tried to kiss me on the lips. Are you joking? No, seriously! I did my best to turn my face away from him and partially succeeded. So awkward... I told him my friend and I were just leaving and walked away from him. Which part of we are not together doesn't he understand? I guess I can write it off on him being quite drunk... anything to put this situation behind me.
I made it home by 2:45am which still left me almost 5 hours for sleep. Considering I don't get to bed until 2 am on a regular day, it wasn't so bad. Went out, had fun and still sacrificed only 45 minutes of my rest.
This morning, however, is when the real fun began. I woke up to a voice mail on my cell. I didn't have time to listen to it until I was actually driving to work. Here's what it said, "Hello, [my name], this is [the guy I ran into last night]. I just saw you tonight so I wanted to let you know this is my new number. The number is (XXX)XXX-XX-XX. When you get this message, if you can make a call or send me a text message, it would be great. Thank you and good night." Or something along those lines. Received at 3:19am. Did I hear it right? Did he just ask me to call him back? Did he just leave his number on my phone? Did he just call me at 4am? OK, I am definitely writing it off on him being drunk and having no responsibility for his actions.
On a bright side, that same night I received a text from this guy I met over the weekend inquiring what I was doing and asking to "give him a call tomorrow or something". We'll see how that goes. I am not keeping my hopes up though, but whatever happens, happens.
Oh, and I am still debating calling the guy from last night...

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