Sunday, November 26, 2006

A Sunday Post.

I have been thinking for the past five minutes about the title for this post, but couldn't come up with anything better than what I have now. So live with it.
Anyhow, I am still narrating my Thanksgiving weekend, and I believe this is my third post about it. I promise it's the last one and I will try to cover three days and make it as short as possible. And if I actually manage to accomplish it, I'll be a hero.
So I got in a fight with A. Saturday night. Why? I have no idea. And I am even more clueless about the fact that we are fighting at all. It's not like we are dating. It was all really weird but here's how it went down:
Him: What happened last night?
Me: Nothing. What do you mean?
Him: You didn't even call or text me last night to tell me you weren't coming. That's rude. I don't know if you know that.
Me: I never said I was coming for sure.
Him: What? You said it last night. On the phone.
Me: The last time I spoke to you was Wednesday night. I didn't even talk to you last night.
Him: It was Thursday morning. You were coming from your friend's house.
Me: At 4am. But not yesterday.
Him: So I recall that.
Me: Why are you even arguing with me?
Him: Argue? Who's arguing?
Me: You are.
Him: LOL
Me: Actually not funny at all.
Him: You know how many times I thought you were in an accident last night? I woke up to check my phone three times. It's very dangerous at that hour in DC.
Me: Look, I never told you I was definitely coming over so I don't know why you were worried.
Him: I don't know. I am just worried when you are out in DC that late.
Me: Well, don't be. I am with friends at all times so I am not wandering there by myself.
Him: It doesn't matter when you are facing someone with a loaded gun in your face. Do you know how many of my friends got robbed?
Me: I only walk from the club to the car. And I don't go to the places where that can happen.
Him: OK. Just be careful.
Me: I am always careful.
And pissed. I mean, are you serious? Don't you think it sounds like an old married couple arguing, minus all partying stuff? I mean this guy managed to piss me off in less than five minutes so I didn't think of anything better to do than sign off. Have him worry a little bit more about me not being online too. Uhhh... feel like I am back in a damn grade school.
I decided I need to go out to blow off some steam, but was actually too exhausted and pissed off to go dancing. Thankfully, a few of my friends felt the same, and we decided to meet up at a bar in Georgetown and sit down for a change. I must admit, I really have to rethink this place we went to - I previously thought of it as a restaurant, but they have a very decent bar and good wine. Oh, but guess who I saw the moment I walked in the door? If you thought M., you are right. Apparently he also decided he'd have dinner at the same place. Damn... He saw me too, so I just nodded and headed for our table. He never came over to say hi and left shortly thereafter. Good for him.
I shared a bottle of wine with a friend while guys were having some liquor. After that we all felt energized enough to go dancing and decided to go to a party my friend was hosting at a club. It turned out to be pretty good although I got tired fifteen minutes after getting there and so did my friends. We decided it was time to leave, but this guy that started talking to me literally the second I showed up wouldn't let go of me and insisted on buying me a drink. Fine, whatever, I'll have a drink if you let me go home later. He asked me for my phone number, but having remembered he mentioned he was leaving for Atlanta Monday, I declined. Honestly, I got home and passed out within the next five seconds.
Alright, this post starting to look very long again, so I am stopping. Enough about my Thanksgiving. It was great. Awesome. Amazing.
Thank you all for your attention...

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