Sunday, January 27, 2008

Robbing the cradle.

After a lot of going back and forth as well as several cancellations, never mind the late night drunk dialing, I finally met Baby M., the 18 year old. Despite multiple reservations, he actually turned out to be laid back. Maybe not as cool as I imagined he would be. And probably way too laid back for me... Bottom line is, I'd have him as a friend but it's almost certainly as far as that will go.
My friend, having my best interests in heart, sent me this article from Wikipedia discussing age disparities in relationships. According to it, I am not even supposed to be dating people that young. The article claims that a good rule of thumb when it comes to judging age appropriateness in intimate relationships is half-your-age-plus-seven. Therefore, I am only supposed to be dating people who are 19 or older. So, according to the experts, Baby M. is out of picture. Well, I am glad they agree with me on something.
Realistically, I don't mind the age difference, be it up or down. What I do look out for, is that our personalities click. After all, age is just a number, and during my short lifetime, I dated anyone from a year or two younger than me to up to twelve years older.
In any case, me breaking off with him went much smoother than I expected and definitely better than with some of my more mature exes. When he asked me out again, I told him "I'm sorry but I don't think the attraction is there". He said it's not a problem and wished me luck. And that's it! There was no "How can you"s or "Why don't we give us another chance"s. No screaming and throwing things... OK I am exaggerating this, but you get the point. Calm, mature response from someone who is barely allowed to smoke.
What can I say... I wish everyone behaved like that.

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