Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I haven't established what exactly, but I certainly have been over the past three weeks. It's been dull and monotonous like never before. Although I do say it quite often. I guess I can never get used to boredom. Plus, the damn Valentine's Day is coming up. Sometimes I want to slap the person who invented it. Not only because I do not believe in expressing your love in the form of standardized heart-shaped boxes of candy and red roses, but also due to the fact that I always manage to end up single by the mid-month. Take the past five years, for example. In 2002, I was single but have met this cute army boy by the end of the month as I was getting my tattoo done. Next year, I have just broken up with J., who I have to admit was my rebound from R. 2004 was the year when I miscalculated a guy's feelings for me when I told him I liked him only to find out that he didn't, but still ended up going out with him and his friends for dinner and drinks. Nothing came out of that though. In 2005, I was briefly seeing L. who was another rebound from R., so naturally I wasn't interested in celebrating anything. The end of January 2006 was the time when B. and I have broken up because he wanted something more serious and I didn't. And finally, last year I was dating A. but we did not get serious enough by Valentine's and once again the celebration fizzled. That makes it six years actually, but you get the point. And for the list to be complete, in 2001 I was seeing A. (or M., I don't recall exactly) but we've also broken up a week before the 14th. So there's no wonder that I feel somewhat hostile towards this holiday and cannot wait till it passes.
The only thing I am truly looking forward to is my vacation to Nassau. At least it starts in exactly twelve hours. Give or take two. We decided to go out tonight since it is Wednesday anyway, and then go to the airport straight from the club since our plane leaves at 6am. If everything goes according to the plan, we will leave at 3:30am, and be at the airport by 4:30am the latest. As long as S. packs and does everything he needs to do tomorrow. Hopefully...
But going back to boredom. I haven't been posting lately since nothing exciting happened at work, at home or in my personal life. I've also been staying in a lot lately since it is way too cold to venture outside anyway. I've dropped all the guys and have been enjoying a single life again. Except, enjoying is not the right word since, I don't know if I mentioned it, but it has been pretty dull lately. I still have my work crush to dwell on though. Seriously, why can't I for once fall for the person who falls for me and stop creating these weird triangles? Regardless, I am taking a break from everyone and everything. I do need some time to think and get away and think over a lot of stuff that has happened lately. This vacation actually comes pretty handy right about now. I have very mixed feelings about a lot of people right about now and being away from them would help me evaluate the situation and maybe even find a solution. Or at least figure out how I really feel about them.
I will be back next Monday with details.
Oh and did I mention it has been... umm... dull lately?
Damn, I am so eloquent!

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