Thursday, January 10, 2008

Tough life.

Seriously, I am still at work. It was somewhat funny around 9pm, somewhat tragic closer to 10pm. Now, it's almost imcomprehensible. And on top of everything, it seems like we're going to be here for another couple hours. That's it, next time I am bringing my pajamas here with me. Because the only thing I can think of right now is how much I want to get out of my clothes and shoes and change into something more comfortable and cozy. I even tried to take a nap a few hours ago, but it is virtually impossible in these office chairs wearing my stupid stiletto heels. Not that I don't love them. But definitely not at this moment.
As one might have guessed, my work adventure continues. I lost contact with pretty much everyone in the past few days. My weeks go somewhat like this: work, sleep, get up in the morning, work, sleep, repeat. Nothing even remotely exciting. Well, maybe one thing is. I met this new guy, and he seems pretty cool and laid back. But he is 18 years old. My friend called me crazy when he found out about it. He also said I should wait until I am thirty to start dating eighteen year-olds. Not a bad suggestion, actually, but I think I can start practicing now. Wouldn't hurt... I also met another guy. He is either thirty five or thirty seven. I do not exactly recall. Who cares anyway, and as R. pointed out, he is too old for me either way... I feel like I am going to extremes, either babies or real grown ups. I don't seem to have been able to settle with someone closer to my age. However, whatever comes out of either of these encounters, I doubt I want anything serious right now, and moreover, with either one of them. A nice fling? Perhaps. Something more serious, maybe a relationship? Dooubtful. Regardless, I am meeting my 18 year-old this weekend... that is if I am not at work. I guess we will go from there.
Will keep posted on the further developments in the story...

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