Monday, January 21, 2008

An infamous Happy Hour.

Who would have thought that I am working with such adventurous people. Last Friday, after an extremely busy couple days, a few of my co-workers decided to organize a happy hour as a well deserved treat for everyone... except the company wasn't paying for it. But no matter, A. and I decided to go anyway. K. was away somewhere, so it was only the two of us from our team, a few consultants and a bunch of guys from other teams. Overall, about ten to twelve people. You know, I've been to several outings with my old company and thought that those get pretty crazy, but realized that they were nothing compared to this one.
To start off, it was a ten hour long happy hour. Yes, ten hours. I am amazed at the human ability to consume alcohol with virtually no food and still be able to drive afterwards. With almost no consequences. Truly, homo sapience is an amazing and mysterious creature. So, we started off at G&B nearby our office and stayed there until 9pm or so.I have to admit I learned a lot of things about my co-workers, and maybe a little bit more than I intended about some of them. As such, I met some of their families... It was fun though and we kept alternating shots with beer and with drinks. Which is not an ideal combination so I was really surprised that by the time the majority of people left, I was still able to stand up. Our bill looked ridiculous though... the shots list alone was about a foot long. And I won't even mention the total amount we had to pay.
Afterwards, as most of the crowd went home to their wives who've apparently been calling them for the past hour or so inquiring about their whereabouts, the single crowd decided to keep the party going. Well, not necessarily single per se, but as A. pointed out, "As long as I don't have a ring on my finger and my boyfriend is overseas, I am single". There were a lot of other insinuations about her relationship with him, but I think everyone was pretty much stuck at that phrase of hers and ignored her weak attempts to rehabilitate herself. And she also confessed that she actually goes by a different name so from now on, everyone calls her M. Until we decide to change it again. Which K. already have done today during lunch. So now we call her Julie... She doesn't mind. I think she secretly loves it, too.
Anyhow, yes, the single crowd headed to a nearby bar. Where, as you have guesses correctly, we kept drinking and checking the guys out (the female part of the group, i.e. A. and myself dear). I think it would be fair to say that A. and M. (the male counterpart) were checking out the girls. However, I can't be certain here since I was too busy staring at some handsome guy by the bar. Or rather, checking out his backside. I do want to point out in my defense, that I've had several beers, several drinks and at least three shots by that point. So staring was more than acceptable at that point.
We stayed there for another two or three hours and if you think we headed home afterwards, you are wrong. Well, some of us did. And everyone else went to their house, too. To the senior manager house, that's right. I don't know what we were thinking at that point. We probably weren't anymore, though thanks to the massive quantities of alcohol we had in our systems. It was M.'s fault though since he baited us with red wine he supposedly had in his apartment. He also warned us to ignore his pink bathroom which I still can't get over. Anyhow, another thirty minutes and we were at his place. As you might have guessed, we opened up a bottle of wine as soon as we got there. We also popped some movie in the DVD player and started playing cards... not that I knew the rules but it didn't matter at that point. I think the game was based on sheer luck and had virtually no strategy. But maybe I am just saying that because I didn't win. Not once. A. passed out very soon thereafter and would throw a card or two on the table every time we would wake him up... Hilarious. We took some pictures of him sleeping on the couch. By the way, A. is our director. So yes, it does get better than the senior manager.
Around 4am we finally decided it was time to call it a night. Besides, I started feeling the buzz and knew that if I have another glass of wine, I'll be drunk. I didn't want to go there, so A. and I bowed out. A. went with us, too. Poor kid had to drive forty miles to get home though... I felt bad for him...
I got home and fell asleep immediately, still fully clothed. I decided right then and there that if I can party with these people for ten hours, then I can sure as hell work with them too. And I will be making fun of A.'s comments about her boyfriend as long as she works there.
Earlier today at work, I saw A., he needed my help with a project. When I asked him how he got home, he said, "OK", ten second pause, "I think".
That said it all. I have nothing to add.

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