Sunday, January 27, 2008

Robbing the cradle.

After a lot of going back and forth as well as several cancellations, never mind the late night drunk dialing, I finally met Baby M., the 18 year old. Despite multiple reservations, he actually turned out to be laid back. Maybe not as cool as I imagined he would be. And probably way too laid back for me... Bottom line is, I'd have him as a friend but it's almost certainly as far as that will go.
My friend, having my best interests in heart, sent me this article from Wikipedia discussing age disparities in relationships. According to it, I am not even supposed to be dating people that young. The article claims that a good rule of thumb when it comes to judging age appropriateness in intimate relationships is half-your-age-plus-seven. Therefore, I am only supposed to be dating people who are 19 or older. So, according to the experts, Baby M. is out of picture. Well, I am glad they agree with me on something.
Realistically, I don't mind the age difference, be it up or down. What I do look out for, is that our personalities click. After all, age is just a number, and during my short lifetime, I dated anyone from a year or two younger than me to up to twelve years older.
In any case, me breaking off with him went much smoother than I expected and definitely better than with some of my more mature exes. When he asked me out again, I told him "I'm sorry but I don't think the attraction is there". He said it's not a problem and wished me luck. And that's it! There was no "How can you"s or "Why don't we give us another chance"s. No screaming and throwing things... OK I am exaggerating this, but you get the point. Calm, mature response from someone who is barely allowed to smoke.
What can I say... I wish everyone behaved like that.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


An interesting twist to a Snow White story who OD'ed on drugs. Despite a very dark and somewhat weird video, the song is very nice, if one would believe its translation. After all, what can be more inspiring and bright than the sun?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Embodiment of the Boogeyman.

I was eight when I heard the song, and even though I have never been scared of the dark, I slept with my door open for the next week.
I wonder if the band couldn't come up with any more fatal scenarios...

Monday, January 21, 2008

An infamous Happy Hour.

Who would have thought that I am working with such adventurous people. Last Friday, after an extremely busy couple days, a few of my co-workers decided to organize a happy hour as a well deserved treat for everyone... except the company wasn't paying for it. But no matter, A. and I decided to go anyway. K. was away somewhere, so it was only the two of us from our team, a few consultants and a bunch of guys from other teams. Overall, about ten to twelve people. You know, I've been to several outings with my old company and thought that those get pretty crazy, but realized that they were nothing compared to this one.
To start off, it was a ten hour long happy hour. Yes, ten hours. I am amazed at the human ability to consume alcohol with virtually no food and still be able to drive afterwards. With almost no consequences. Truly, homo sapience is an amazing and mysterious creature. So, we started off at G&B nearby our office and stayed there until 9pm or so.I have to admit I learned a lot of things about my co-workers, and maybe a little bit more than I intended about some of them. As such, I met some of their families... It was fun though and we kept alternating shots with beer and with drinks. Which is not an ideal combination so I was really surprised that by the time the majority of people left, I was still able to stand up. Our bill looked ridiculous though... the shots list alone was about a foot long. And I won't even mention the total amount we had to pay.
Afterwards, as most of the crowd went home to their wives who've apparently been calling them for the past hour or so inquiring about their whereabouts, the single crowd decided to keep the party going. Well, not necessarily single per se, but as A. pointed out, "As long as I don't have a ring on my finger and my boyfriend is overseas, I am single". There were a lot of other insinuations about her relationship with him, but I think everyone was pretty much stuck at that phrase of hers and ignored her weak attempts to rehabilitate herself. And she also confessed that she actually goes by a different name so from now on, everyone calls her M. Until we decide to change it again. Which K. already have done today during lunch. So now we call her Julie... She doesn't mind. I think she secretly loves it, too.
Anyhow, yes, the single crowd headed to a nearby bar. Where, as you have guesses correctly, we kept drinking and checking the guys out (the female part of the group, i.e. A. and myself dear). I think it would be fair to say that A. and M. (the male counterpart) were checking out the girls. However, I can't be certain here since I was too busy staring at some handsome guy by the bar. Or rather, checking out his backside. I do want to point out in my defense, that I've had several beers, several drinks and at least three shots by that point. So staring was more than acceptable at that point.
We stayed there for another two or three hours and if you think we headed home afterwards, you are wrong. Well, some of us did. And everyone else went to their house, too. To the senior manager house, that's right. I don't know what we were thinking at that point. We probably weren't anymore, though thanks to the massive quantities of alcohol we had in our systems. It was M.'s fault though since he baited us with red wine he supposedly had in his apartment. He also warned us to ignore his pink bathroom which I still can't get over. Anyhow, another thirty minutes and we were at his place. As you might have guessed, we opened up a bottle of wine as soon as we got there. We also popped some movie in the DVD player and started playing cards... not that I knew the rules but it didn't matter at that point. I think the game was based on sheer luck and had virtually no strategy. But maybe I am just saying that because I didn't win. Not once. A. passed out very soon thereafter and would throw a card or two on the table every time we would wake him up... Hilarious. We took some pictures of him sleeping on the couch. By the way, A. is our director. So yes, it does get better than the senior manager.
Around 4am we finally decided it was time to call it a night. Besides, I started feeling the buzz and knew that if I have another glass of wine, I'll be drunk. I didn't want to go there, so A. and I bowed out. A. went with us, too. Poor kid had to drive forty miles to get home though... I felt bad for him...
I got home and fell asleep immediately, still fully clothed. I decided right then and there that if I can party with these people for ten hours, then I can sure as hell work with them too. And I will be making fun of A.'s comments about her boyfriend as long as she works there.
Earlier today at work, I saw A., he needed my help with a project. When I asked him how he got home, he said, "OK", ten second pause, "I think".
That said it all. I have nothing to add.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

An attack of the bride.

Two brides, really.
It will be one expensive celebration. Actually two. Recently, two of my friends announced they are getting married. As much as I despise marriage, I am wholeheartedly happy for them and wish them the best. Problem is, both of them decided to do the ceremony in some exotic places. One in either Mexico, Puerto Rico or US Virgin Islands, and another in India. The real issue is, I have to attend both weddings - I am a bridesmaid in the first one and a maid of honor in the second (or an equivalent in this case, since it seems to be a traditional Indian weddings without bridal party). I think they decided to get married to surely and inadvertently break my budget. Technically I wouldn't mind travelling overseas this year, but with my upcoming February trip and a house purchase (keeping my fingers crossed), I don't think it will be at all possible. According to some very modest calculations and my old friend Orbitz, the first trip will run me about $1000, and the second may end up being around $2000. And that does not include presents and such... A bit too steep for a wedding, if you ask me. It's just me, but I do think that if you choose to have a wedding somewhere overseas, you need to consider the means of your guests and how you can assist them with the trip, be it covering a part of it, or finding a bundle deal with some discount travel agent. I do realize that people want this day to be special, but they also have to acknowledge that others, even though happy to share the celebration with them, cannot necessarily afford spending around $3000.
Actually, I take it back. A few minutes ago, I went back to another old friend of mine, Yahoo Answers. True, I usually do when I am bored at work and want to have some fun reading the most ridiculous questions ever. However, sometimes their advice is sound and priceless. So I asked if people think it is reasonable to ask to spend this much on the trip and if it's polite to decline even though you are in the bridal party. It's only been ten minutes or so, but I already got more than a dozen answers, and all of them agreed it would be perfectly fine to decline the invitation. And even though I don't want to decline it, I do think that the way I will be able to go there is if I get some help with expenses.
What a dilemma... and whatever happened to good ol' DC?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Tough life.

Seriously, I am still at work. It was somewhat funny around 9pm, somewhat tragic closer to 10pm. Now, it's almost imcomprehensible. And on top of everything, it seems like we're going to be here for another couple hours. That's it, next time I am bringing my pajamas here with me. Because the only thing I can think of right now is how much I want to get out of my clothes and shoes and change into something more comfortable and cozy. I even tried to take a nap a few hours ago, but it is virtually impossible in these office chairs wearing my stupid stiletto heels. Not that I don't love them. But definitely not at this moment.
As one might have guessed, my work adventure continues. I lost contact with pretty much everyone in the past few days. My weeks go somewhat like this: work, sleep, get up in the morning, work, sleep, repeat. Nothing even remotely exciting. Well, maybe one thing is. I met this new guy, and he seems pretty cool and laid back. But he is 18 years old. My friend called me crazy when he found out about it. He also said I should wait until I am thirty to start dating eighteen year-olds. Not a bad suggestion, actually, but I think I can start practicing now. Wouldn't hurt... I also met another guy. He is either thirty five or thirty seven. I do not exactly recall. Who cares anyway, and as R. pointed out, he is too old for me either way... I feel like I am going to extremes, either babies or real grown ups. I don't seem to have been able to settle with someone closer to my age. However, whatever comes out of either of these encounters, I doubt I want anything serious right now, and moreover, with either one of them. A nice fling? Perhaps. Something more serious, maybe a relationship? Dooubtful. Regardless, I am meeting my 18 year-old this weekend... that is if I am not at work. I guess we will go from there.
Will keep posted on the further developments in the story...

Monday, January 07, 2008

Patience is a virtue.... that I lack.

I am annoyed with too many people right now. One would think that new year would bring joyous mood and desire for changes, but so far it's been going downhill for me. First and foremost, I am still mad at N. for not getting back to me on the 31st. She has been calling me ever since, but frankly, I don't want to talk to her yet. I feel like I need some time to recuperate from my trauma. Hypothetically, of course, but nevertheless. I am somewhat curious to hear her excuse though.
A. still keeps calling me as well. Not as often as before, but still. Thing is, there are really some mixed feelings that I have right now. I saw him again at his roommate's house party this weekend, and honestly, I couldn't wait to get away from there. It was pretty boring and uneventful and I sacrificed meeting my friend T. for this get-togetehr. But the last drop in the cup of my patience and open-mindedness in terms of this "relationship" and him in particular was when he was walking me to my car. Right before I left, we kissed. Not a bad kisser. After all it's a first kiss and I do believe that it takes time to get used to another person's technique. However, somewhere a minute into our kissing, I felt his hands moving lower and lower down my back, perhaps a little bit too low for my liking. Seriously, I am all for groping and grabbing when the moment is right, or when the mood strikes, but definitely when you are closer to the person than a second date. But not if you barely know the person. Well, unless you are about to sleep with them. Or if it's just a making out session in a dark corner of a bar. I mean, you get my point. It was way too early, and I was way not in the mood. And I do realize now, after few days, that it was probably him being drunk more than anything, but at that exact moment it really ticked me off. So here it is, my official reason for not wanting to see him again.
Next, as if previous wasn't enough, I am still trying to get past the slew of emails from S.'s friend... girlfriend... significant other... who cares who she was. Her and I went through several more email exchanges, but I think we have finally straightened things out. However, some of her words did make me think of S. slightly differently now. I mean, he did say the girl was crazy and unbalanced, but it always takes two people to ruin the relationship. And she didn't seem so in her emails (which is not a good indicator as it is, but still ). Besides, all girls that he ever talks about are, in his words, crazy. Well, either something is wrong with him that he picks same girls over and over, or there's something that he leaves unsaid. Because no matter how unlucky you are, you can't date five unstable people in a row. There is something that you are doing that makes them this way, or something that you are covering up about yourself. Not that it's any of my business, but it did make me look closer at him to try and figure out what he actually hides behind his facade.
But enough about other people... I am really tired at this point of dealing with unreliable or weird people and their behaviors. I have been working longer hours just so I can avoid having to talk to them or about them. The only outlet that doesn't object to my venting and whining seems to be R. Or this blog. Or A...
Which reminds me that his birthday is coming up and I have to start thinking about a present for him.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Another end.

So I am seriously considering ending things with Saturday guy. Even though I enjoy his company I feel like it is strictly on a friend level. He invited me to his friend's party last weekend but I only managed to stay for about an hour or two. Afterwards I got so bored I had to excuse myself and leave to meet up several other friends in DC. Plus, as we kissed at the end of the night, he grabbed me which kind of ticked me off. OK, I take it back, it pissed me off a lot. I mean I understand that we're making out and all but it still doesn't give him the right to grab me where he's not supposed to. After all, I wasn't standing there trying to grab his package. I don't know if it added to the thoughts that I already had, or if I am just looking for excuses to end things and make peace with myself for doing so. At the end, I couldn't find a single legitimate reason to stop seeing him, except for the fact that I am simply not feeling him.
On a funnier note, another reason I don't want to pursue this is the fact that DC seems like just one big village. You would think that news wouldn't spread here, but the opposite is actually true. Case in point: my date with A. As I've mentioned before, we went out last the Saturday before the New Year's, and he left for a ski resort the next morning. As for me, I haven't spoken to anyone about our night out except for R. Yet. Nevertheless, Monday morning I got an text message from my friend K. asking me who I went out with Saturday night. What the hell! How on earth would she find out about it two days after it happened. The word of mouth is spreading here faster than CNN. He couldn't have told anyone about it simply because he wasn't even here. I haven't told anyone yet, because I wanted to ask K. about him anyway over our dinner later this week. But I haven't mentioned anything yet.
How she found out, you would ask? Simple. Apparently, after the Christmas party, A. met up with our other mutual friend N. and asked him to call K. to ask if it's OK for him to call me. N. said he is being stupid and told him to call me straight and drop the act. Which he eventually did. Then, N. told D. about it, who is actually K.'s boyfriend. D., in turn, told K. Seriously? Damn it, you can't keep even the smallest secret in this town.
But I definitely have to interrogate K. about it when I see her... Then I will make the final decision if I want to keep seeing A.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

I Hate Everything About You.

Finally found a "dirty" version of the song. Don't you hate it when they make the song official, therefore cutting out all the important stuff?

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Still stuck.

Yes, as I've suspected, my email tag had a continuation. It wasn't a bad one, but I felt like it was a nice closure to eh entire ordeal.
Yesterday, when I woke up after my lame New Year celebration that I don't even want to get into, I had another email from the mystery girl. "I am sorry again for making assumptions. These have been a difficult few months and I think the fact that I have been with him so long and never heard about any of you (or have never even met any of you) just really hurts me. Thank you for being honest with me, I really do appreciate it. Again, I apologize for my assumptions and I didn't mean any disrespect towards you or any of your friends. I am just desperate to save something that I think is lost to me. I love him very much and I am scared and unsure of what to do. Your input has been helpful, thank you again. Have a great new year".
All I can say is, wow. Talk about soap operas. I do wonder now though if S. was truthful about her. She doesn't seem crazy and she is pretty articulate so it is a bit difficult to believe everything he told me about her. After all, there are always two sides to each story. And there are things, I am sure, that both of them left unsaid.
But enough about that. Here's a little 411 on my fabulous New Year. I never heard from N. who promised R. and I to get us tickets to the party. As a result, the idiot me didn't make any other plans since I was counting on her. Nada. Zilch.
I also never heard from S. who apparently was supposed to come over too, so all three of us could go out and celebrate, but for some reason got himself into a fight and stayed in MD. Without even telling me or R. about it until 11:30pm that night.
Well, fuck them both. I just figured they would have some courtesy to call and say that their plans didn't go through so that I could make my own. But no, I guess they were too busy with their own business. I was very upset at first since R. and I ended up at her apartment celebrating New Year. Truthfully, I can't say it was bad, but it was far from what I counted on. Oh well, I guess it's always nice to see people's true colors.
By now, my anger has subsided but I am still extremely disappointed in either of them.
On a bright side, it is a new year, new beginning, and I truly do hope it will be better than the last.
Especially the last couple of months of the old year...