Monday, December 31, 2007

Stuck in the middle.

I woke up late for work today since it seemed like no one was going to be there except for two other people. No one from management, anyway. Which naturally gave me a perfect reason to come in late... and leave early. I did have to run some errands though, so that's my excuse for leaving early, and I stick to it. Plus, I had to get ready for a New Year celebration despite the fact that I am definitely not feeling it.
As soon as I got home, I decided to check my email, something I got into a habit of doing ever since I found out that my work blocks them. And Facebook. And all other more or less entertaining websites. And there it was, the "Hi there. You don't know me but I have a question and you would be doing me a favor by answering it. Could you please tell me what your relationship is with S.? Please don't bring this up to him but I need to know. I don't mean any disrespect at all and if I have insulted you I apologize. Thanks." email. Sent yesterday afternoon. Really? I looked at the sender's address line - no clue who the person is. Where in hell did they, or rather, she get my email address from. How does she even know S. and I are friends? And then it dawned on me - good old Facebook, where else. I seriously need to block my profile there. I've been getting a lot of emails lately anyway from guys I don't know. I didn't even have enough time to ponder over this email, when I saw another message from the same person. This time, she wasn't so nice. "You know what... it doesn't matter anyway. You can disregard my previous email. If you're with him, or if any of your friends are with him... you can have him.
Thanks anyway". Alright, so we went from nice and polite to careless and, umm, benevolent in our desires to help with my search of significant other? Honestly, I could care less what's going on between the two of them, but I hate to be dragged into this. So I called S. to ask him about the girl. And yes, she did ask me not to tell him, but after all, what if she's some psycho that I need to be aware about? Just kidding. What I am not kidding about is the fact that I wanted to know what exactly I am getting involved in. So here's the scoop: apparently they dated a few months ago, broke up, but she never got past it. She saw a picture of me and him in his Facebook profile and decided to find out what's going on. The funny thing is, right next to that picture of me and him, there's another one of him and R. but apparently she decided to ignore it and went straight for me. Ugh, why couldn't she pick R. to stalk? I always seem to get the best deal...
So after he told me the story, I decided to reply to her email despite the fact that S. told me not to waste my time. I mean, her first email was proper, as for second... well, maybe she is bipolar, who knows. In any case, she deserved an answer. I got distracted with some other things though and when I finally decided to reply (which was about fifteen minutes ago), I had another email from her. This is getting exciting! "You really shouldn't have told him. As a woman I was looking to confide in you and vice versa, but I guess you aren't capable of that, and you have your own reasons I guess. Just a word of warning: he is manipulative and a liar. He's got serious issues that make him incapable of maintaining a normal relationship. Whatever he tells you about me, here is the truth: we were together almost a year and I've known him for almost twelve. He will tell you I'm crazy; he's wrong. I just deluded myself into thinking I could change him. So, I'm sorry if I dragged you into something that you had no part in - my mistake. I was desperate for answers and I still have none. I have to go on my gut and believe he hasn't been faithful to me, either with you or with other people. And I know you will show this to him or tell him about it - it doesn't matter. He and I are finished. Sorry again." Yes, talk about feeling desperate. It did make me feel guilty for talking to him for about a second, but after all, I did have my reasons to find out what was going on before I jump into it.
So I replied to her, to both of her emails. To the first one, "Hi, I asked him about you because I was wondering where you got my information (then i thought of Facebook since apparently that's how this whole story started)/or why you're thinking he and I have something going on. He didn't see any emails... I wouldn't show it to him either way. Here's the thing though- if you meant whether something is going on between me and him in a romantic way - you are wrong. I don't have a romantic relationship with him - never have either. I don't know why you are thinking that, but it's not the case. My friends are also not dating him. As for other people - I don't know, I don't talk/ask about his personal life. He is a friend of mine, and that's it. It is your choice to believe me but I really have no reason to lie since, as you've said yourself, I don't even know you. I don't know what happened between you and him, and it is between you guys and I hope you can figure it out somehow. Thanks and take care." Decent enough, I think, and respectful.
And to the second email, "Like I said, if he's been unfaithful to you, I am sorry to hear that, but it wasn't with me, or with my close friends. I can't speak for other people. I hope it will give you some answers you are looking for. Really, all we did was take some pictures while he, my other friend and I were all out. They do not have any connotations and if you look, there's exactly the same picture of him and my friend on Facebook as well... as well as with bunch of other people. I guess that's all... at this point I don't know what else to say so you believe me..." After I re-read it, it did sound like I was apologizing, which I hate but at that point it was too late as I have already sent it. Oh well. Cursing her out would be a much worse option, in my opinion. So hopefully, this will be the end of our little word exchange.
Although, when do I ever get what I wish for...

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