Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A reach out, perhaps.

Yesterday was absolutely crazy at work. It was our busiest day of the month, and everyone stayed until 11pm. At least now I can say that we are officially done... with this part. And I also truly hope I can leave early today to somehow catch up with what I missed last night. That is, if nothing else comes up.
Something funny happened last night. Well, I wouldn't exactly call it funny, but certainly thought-provoking. I was taking a short break from work around 8pm, talking on the phone to R. in the hallway, when it beeped twice.
"Hey R., I think I just got a text from you. Hang on"
That text message definitely wasn't from her. "I don't regret being with you. I always will be part of you. Hope we can talk one day..." There we go again. Wasn't the fact that I ignored his text last Thursday enough of a hint? Really, did he think it may take me six days to reply? I figured, by ignoring his last text message, I would "inadvertently" let him know it's over. Please notice the quote and my sarcasm... I guess it didn't. And what is up with being a part of me? Yes, I understand that he would like to continue seeing me, but sending texts will not make that happen. Just another confirmation that the only thing he is sorry about is that he got caught. Apparently, he doesn't have any other regrets about anything.
Neither do I, really. Just happy I found out... Better later than never.
I was thinking for a while whether I should even reply to the message. If I do, I might provoke more responses, and I am not too eager to hear from him again. If I don't, then he has the last word. So not happening.
So I said, "Do you really think we have something to talk about?". Not an invitation to talk, not a grain of understanding, nor hope.
And I haven't heard back...

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