Friday, December 07, 2007

Karma is a bitch.

The part where I feel nothing but revulsion. I am absolutely appalled and disgusted. Remember the guy I resumed hanging out with a few months back? How I stopped seeing him last summer, only to text him one night after having few too many drinks? How I decided to keep seeing him while I was single to avoid all the random bar hookups? Well, it was working out perfectly fine until today. Apparently, during that year that we had to contact with each other, he got married and conveniently forgot to mention it once we started hanging out again. Yup, you heard me right, married. I cannot believe that he lied about it and kept seeing me all these months. I cannot believe that he cheated on his wife mere months after their wedding. I cannot believe that he accepted responsibility of marriage and took vows, only to break them the moment I texted him. I cannot believe that every time we saw each other (which happened at least once a week), he would take his wedding ring off and put it in his pocket, only to go back to his wife a few hours later. I also cannot believe that he came up with the elaborate story as to why we can't meet up at his place... saying that since his parents go out of town a lot (which is true and which I knew before we stopped seeing each other last year), his ill grandmother and his cousins from California have to stay with him.
The thing that really ticked me off is the fact that he didn't have basic common decency to tell me about it when I texted him that fateful night. All he had to do was to say, "I got married", and I all I would say would have been "I am out". And I would run away to find myself another boy toy. It's not like I ever wanted a relationship with this guy, or anything at least remotely serious with him. You got married? Fine, there's more fish in the sea. I don't need a boy toy who is married. Nice to know you...
I am also wondering how long did he think he was going to pull this off for without me finding out? And another thing I am furious about? He still would have never told me about it if I hadn't accidentally found out. Which brings me to the second part of the story...
The part where I found out he is married. So we were supposed to meet up this past Tuesday and he picked me up that evening. As we were driving to his house, I saw what I first thought was a ring... I guess it was more of a glimpse and I didn't think much of it. He used to wear some monogram ring a few years back so I didn't really pay attention. However, later that night when we were fooling around, I touched his hand, and as I was sliding my fingers up and down, I noticed that the ring was gone. That was a little bit suspicious but I was too busy and involved in the action to pay any attention to it. As I was sitting at work today, my manager and director were sitting opposite me talking about something passionately. As they were gesturing and waving their arms up and down, I noticed that both of them had their wedding bands on the left hand (I knew they both were married so I figured those were wedding rings). I started thinking more and more about the ring that I thought I saw Tuesday night and just felt uneasy about the disappearing act. I also realized that the ring looked different than the one he wore a few years back. It looked very simple, more like a band. So I texted R. asking her if she knows which hand and finger people wear wedding bands on. "Left hand, I think. Ring finger, next to the pinkie", she said. His ring was on the left hand. Not sure about the finger though. I shared my concerns with R. and she told me to "confront the bastard immediately". She also said to call him, but I decided to text him instead. "Are you married?", I asked. Twenty minutes passed with no answer. If it's true, then his story with the grandmother was the perfect excuse not to meet up at his place. He replied after about an hour, "Yes, I'm sorry - I'm just so attracted to you". He also included a sad smiley face at the end of the text. That's his excuse? He's sorry? He's not sorry... He is sorry he got caught though... Which brings me to the third part of my story...
The part where the morals come into play. My five year old nephew uses similar excuses when he wants to prey a candy from his mother. What separates a grown up individual from a five-year old is the ability to accept and uphold responsibility. What was the point of taking those vows if he knew he would break them once the opportunity comes along? Granted, I heard from our mutual friend that the girl is a total bitch (I heard about the girl before, I just didn't know he married her). However, she can be the worst bitch in the world, and she still doesn't deserve it. It is not as if they lived together for ten years, didn't get along and he cheated on her. It's still doesn't justify the behavior, but at least explains it. No, he got married about a year ago, and already, he broke his promise... Or did he think that he took the vows and agreed to uphold them only until the temptation came along? "I am just so attracted to you"? Well, I am attracted to a lot of people, doesn't mean I hook up with them every chance I get. And being an adult.. pardon me, being a married adult, is about taking the responsibility once you enter marriage and stop sleeping around. I was thinking about it while driving home last night... This is the exact reason I don't want to get married yet. Not until I am absolutely sure I will not cheat on my husband. Not until I get the "have fun, fuck the consequences" attitude out of my system. I could, and do, a lot of crazy things, and I live by the principle "Do whatever makes you happy", but I would never, ever, mess around with a married man... Another thing? This means, he did, actually, take the ring off on Tuesday once he realized it was there, probably hoping I haven't noticed it.
R. asked me what I wanted to do. "About what", I asked.
"With him. Do you still want to see him?"
"Hell no. R., he's married..."
"Well, he's just a low-life scum".
She also asked me if I heard from after he admitted he was married. He's way too much of a coward to face it or to say anything else to me.
My other friend, A., told me that "he is messed up in his head and that he has issues". He also told me he would be less shocked if I told him I was pregnant...
My third friend (K.) whom I told about it called him a dumbfuck and told me he should go to hell (she used an exact expression that I cannot really translate as it would lose its meaning, but you get the point). And she still doesn't know the entire story... my manager walked in as I was talking to her today so I will have to call her later and tell the rest.
R. also told me this morning that I should track down his wife or his parents and tell them about it... It's not worth my effort. Karma is a bitch, and what goes around comes around.
At least I have to hope for it, otherwise life is really a bitch...
Listening to a lot of Three Days Grace helps though.

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