Sunday, December 09, 2007

Illicit gestures.

I finally got out last night after a little break I've been taking. R. and I agreed that I'd be at her house between 10:30pm and 11pm, then we were supposed to wait for S. to wake up from his nap, and then go out around 11:30pm. However, I wouldn't be myself if I actually showed up on time... I got there around 11:45pm. S. wasn't there yet though so it wasn't like I was raining on anyone's parade. His Holiness finally showed up around 12:30am and we were able to go at last. At first, we tried the new place we wanted to check out forever, but it was so packed, we left and headed for [DC lounge]. Fortunately this time, everyone ended up having an awesome time... I think all three of us needed to get out. Seems like there's been some shit going on, and this week, it was with all three of us. So instead of busting anyone's balls we decided to go dancing and blow off some steam that way.
As I was dancing though, some guy grabbed my hand and tried to dance with me. I was in no mood to meet someone though so I just brushed him off. He didn't give up and five minutes later I felt his hand on mine again and this time it felt as if he were humping my hand. I remember thinking it was weird, but for the second time, I brushed him off and went outside for a smoke to give him a chance to get lost in the crowd. When I came back he was gone, and the rest of the night was fun, but uneventful. That is, if you don't count a dance off between five or so guys. I also ran into a guy whom I've seen at another DC hot spot quite often - turns out he is a manager there. R. and I ended up chatting with him for thirty minutes or so, which, I believe, has secured us an access to that place whenever we have a need to go.
The real fun started when we left the place and decided to get some food. On our way there, S.'s friend, W., joined us. We decided to grab a quick bite in my favorite place downtown and as we were waiting for our food, I saw a hand-humping guy walk in. He headed towards us and while his friends were ordering, broke a conversation with W. When we left, I told W. what happened in [DC lounge] and asked what the guy talked to him about. Turns out, the guy asked W. if I were with S. When he said "Yes", the guy smiled and said he could have taken me home with him if we hadn't left... Hilarious kid. Well, turns out that the hand-humping is actually a new gesture that means "Want to go home with me?" Well, that explains everything. The guy approached me on the dance floor, and when I turned him down, he apparently saw me talking to S. and figured we were together. After that, when he saw us at the food place, yet again together (I guess he ignored R. sitting right next to me), he decided to ask W. about it. And when W. "confirmed" us being together, he couldn't help but make a snotty remark. Oh well, just another asshole... what can you do.
I just seem to be running into a lot of them lately...

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