Saturday, December 08, 2007


So yes, even though it has been three days, whatever happened on Tuesday is still bothering me. Not as much though, especially after I talked about it with my friends. I have to say, I got a great deal of support from them and even a few suggestions as to how screw up his life. Don't think I'm going to follow it though. I guess one thing that I am missing now is some closure, or a real explanation. For example, an explanation as to how he managed to get away with me for the entire weekend without anyone finding out or getting suspicious. But how do you get closure in a situation like this? I am sure he's too much of a coward to explain himself further. If he kept this from me for this long, how can I really expect him to contact me again. Especially since he knows I am very against affairs... especially the ones I don't know I am involved in. Oh well... Another few days or so to snap out of it and finally move on.
On a brighter note, I met a few new people at work on Thursday. I was just so immersed in this mess that I totally forgot to mention it before. I had a work meeting on Thursday in another building and as I was walking back, some girl who looked remotely familiar stopped me... Let me back up here a little. This past Tuesday, we had a work training and the girl who was conduction it, referred to me a few times by name. Then as I was about to leave, I needed to schedule another meeting and while I was talking to the trainer, I noticed a girl standing a little bit to the side, looking at me from time to time. I still remember I felt a little bit weird, kind of the way you feel when you realize you have food in your teeth and no one tells you about it. However, they all left soon thereafter and I went back to my work, forgetting about it soon thereafter... Fast forwarding to Thursday, the girl was the same girl who kept looking at me during the initial meeting. We talked for a few minutes, and then decided to meet up for lunch. She said she was going to email me with details. When I got back to my desk, she did. We agreed to have lunch next Monday and she said she might bring along another friend of hers. Great, the more people, the merrier. The funny part though, is that I tried to get in touch with her a few weeks earlier, for a work-related stuff, and now it turns out it's the same girl whom I tried to contact. So, we'll see what's going to happen Monday.
Also, I finally brought myself to email my manager and discuss the possibility of ending my probation period at work to secure my position. I told her that I am very interested in staying with this department and asked for some feedback. I asked her if perhaps we can set up a meeting with her and my director to go over the details. Her reply? "I am considering you staying in this position. I will review the process and let you know. It is my decision and no one else's". What the fuck was that all about? I never got that kind of vibe from her, she always seemed so laid back. First of all, "considering" me, doesn't mean shit, it's neither a yes, nor a no. Second, it is not her decision and I don't know why she wants to make it sound like one. Third, she could have been nice in her reply. Oh well, we'll see what happens once she's done "reviewing the process".
At least if I could secure the job, I could focus on other things. I really don't need to be thinking about this too, on top of all the other drama that's going on...
Back to Three Days Grace.

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