Tuesday, December 11, 2007

An immense fuckup.

No, this is simply ridiculous. The only damn day in an entire month when I have to be at work early, and what do I do? I set my alarm for pm... When I woke up this morning, I felt something was wrong. After all, I actually felt somewhat rested and energized. I knew it couldn't be happening at 6am. Not with me. A quick squint at my alarm clock confirmed my earlier suspicion - it was almost 8:30 am. I had to be at work half an hour ago. I jumped out of the bed, flew to the shower... I swear it was the fastest shower I have ever taken in my life - five minutes and that's including brushing my teeth... Another five was wasted on trying to make myself look somewhat presentable. I gave up on that though and decided to simply dry my hair and try to pass it as a it-is-supposed-to-look-this-messy-bedhead hairdo. After pulling some random pants and a shirt from my closet, I was out of my house by 8:43am... Not bad for something that usually takes a full 45 minutes. Miraculously, I made it to work half an hour later. Naturally, my manager was laughing when he found out what happened but somehow I didn't share his joyful mood... I asked to leave a bit earlier last night, and was late today. Doesn't look too good when my evaluation is coming up... Oh well, at this point there's nothing I can do, nor can I influence anyone's decision. What's done is done and should something happen, I guess I will be looking for another position.
Speaking about yesterday. The reason I left early last night was to get to my first scuba diving lesson, and let me tell you, I am absolutely pumped up about this weekend. Or Nassau, for that matter. I just need to start working on my passport as soon as humanly possible...
Even though I knew I had to get up early today, I ended up staying pretty late wrapping up a few things. My friend M. was also online, and every time he is, we end up getting into some sort of discussion that starts off with "What did you do this weekend" and ends somewhere around the meaning of life. This time too, after discussing all our latest adventures, he made a good point that people always want to have something different from what they have already. Or that we always want what we can't have. Somehow I believe that it is in one's nature to yearn for unattainable or forbidden. It seems like the majority are not satisfied with what they have and always try to venture out there to "explore other possibilities". Or keep their options open. I am also wondering why can't we just be content with our current situation, and appreciate what we have. Perhaps be grateful for it? After all, many people I know who claim they are not satisfied are, in fact, more or less established individuals who, if they only dared to look at themselves from the side, would realize that their situation is far from the grim one they describe...
Since when have I become a philosopher?
And if I am supposedly so busy at work, how come I have time to post this blog which many would probably find useless anyway?

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