Sunday, December 30, 2007


Last night, I met A. for the first time. Well, technically, it was the second time I saw him, but officially it was the first. I have to admit, though reluctantly, that I ended up having a good time. I came to DC a little bit early to get some pampering done before New Year. Nothing bonds you more with your friends as a trip to a spa...
We were meeting up at 9pm, so I told R. I would be back around midnight so we can go out somewhere downtown. Then I was off.
We decided to start off in Georgetown. He reserved a nice private table upstairs which guaranteed complete privacy. If I were in a dating mood, I would say it was romantic. Dim lights, candles and a table in the corner separated by panels ensured total seclusion. We spent a few hours talking before moving to another place a few blocks down. Again, we were able to get a table, despite the late hour (I assumed everyone was out for holidays). I still am not sure how it happened, but the next time I checked the time, it was almost 3am... Talk about being back by midnight. The good thing, we never shut up for more than a few seconds and the conversation was just flowing naturally. Apparently, this guy can talk his way out of any situation as well. At the end of the night, he dropped me off at my car and we agreed to meet up next week after he comes back from his ski trip. Ski trip... I hate him.
Oh and by the way... the guy was married before (is married?). I did appreciate the fact that he told me about it right away but the whole ex-wife situation makes me slightly cautious. I will need to talk to K. to fish out more information.
After he left, I went to R. place to pick up my stuff and again, we stayed up until 5am rehashing the details of my night out... Girls talk.
I think we are supposed to meet up for lunch today. And I am late for it... More to come.

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