Sunday, October 29, 2006

Not a weekend without an adventure.

So, another week has passed and now I have so much to talk about, I don't know where to start. I should probably write more often to avoid having a 10,000-words-blogs. Alright, I guess I'll start from the beginning. Oh, and let me just tell you, I hate this time change. Not only do I feel unusually tired right now, but I also kept waking up all night and ended up getting up at 11am, getting only six hours of sleep. But enough about that, back to a more important things.
I finally met my friend Aaron on Tuesday for a few beers. Rock Bottom definitely rocks, their beers are among the best I ever had. I decided to take off work for about an hour and a half, and then come back and finish whatever I had left to do. I had a blast talking with him, but then again, I always do when we meet. Unfortunately I had to get back to work, so he left rather soon, promising to send me some flowers from Canada... Let me tell you a little secret - it is so much fun to work while you are slightly hammered. I finished the amount of work it usually takes me an hour to complete in twenty minutes. I don't guarantee quality, but I haven't heard any complaints yet, and it's almost been a week; therefore I assumed everything was perfect.
Moving on to Wednesday... if you remember I was supposed to meet up with R. this Wednesday. Which I did. Which I will never do again... most likely. Seriously, either I was drunk the last time we met, or had a temporary memory loss. While I can't say it was bad, I can definitely point out that it wasn't particularly hot either. Lukewarm at best. I mean I understand that he was tired and so was I, but it definitely did not live up to my expectations. Therefore, I am only devoting a 100 words or less to the entire story before moving on to my weekend.
Halloween... Even though I wanted to dress up at first, the weather definitely changed my mind. Listening to all that wind howling outside my window made me hesitant about wearing a short skirt and a spaghetti-straps top for a night out. Since we didn't go to a theme party, but rather to a regular lounge bash, I didn't feel the need to dress up. Turns out, not a bad choice after all. I would say only approximately 10% of people there wore costumes so I didn't feel awkward or left out. It really started out as a great night. Awesome music, nice crowd, good drinks... Started out is a key word here. As I was ordering some drinks for my friends and I, some guy striked up a conversation with me. I only glanced at him once to know I don't like him so I made a small polite talk while waiting for a bartender (and damn did he take long) and headed to a dance floor to join my friends. As we danced I felt someone pulling me over to the side. I turned around, and sure thing, it was the same guy who tried talking to me at the bar. Since he wasn't entirely unpleasant, I didn't immediately brushed him off and asked him what he wanted. He said that his friend wants to talk to me. Is he running a dating service in a club? But anyway, his friend turned out to be quite funny and we spent the next fifteen minutes chatting. I wasn't particularly interested in him but he was able to hold a decent conversation so I was actually enjoying his company. He then told me he thinks he knows me from somewhere. My first thought - I never met him before nor did my friends nor any of us ever been involved with this guy (this is when you actually feel relieved that none of it happened). This is exactly what I told him and we went on chatting. About ten minutes later he repeated the whole thing about meeting me prior again. Now, I was absolutely sure I have never met him before. Even though I am terrible with names, I am fairly good with faces and would remember if I saw him before (because he would have definitely caught my attention had I seen him). But my weekend wouldn't be complete if all ended at that. His next phrase came as a blow to the head.
- Aren't you the girl was seeing my friend a few months back (his friend as in, R.).
My jaw just hit the floor. Silence. If it weren't for the music, you could hear crickets chirping. I guess he saw me when I first met his friend in that same club when he introduced me to all the people he came with. There were so many of them, there was no way I could remember all their faces.
After about thirty seconds I fake laughed and mumbled something like, "Yes, that is me".
-So what happened between you guys?
-Well, it sort of didn't work out.
He then went on and made a joke saying that he broke up with my party boy and left him for another man (it was this silly inside joke him, his friends and I made up when I first met him). But from then on, we both felt uncomfortable, so I said I had to go check on my friends and left.
How fucked up is that?! Now I can guarantee that he will go straight back to R. and tell him that he saw me. Why on earth, out of all girls in the club he decided to hit on me, and then recognize me? Why can't I spend at least one weekend without some sort of adventure? I can almost see the text message from the party boy asking since when am I hanging out with his friends. And the most messed up part? The one that actually got me pissed and ruined my night? When I saw all these guys standing in a circle listening to my earlier encounter talking and staring in my direction. What the fuck?!
When I thought my night couldn't get any worse, my friend called me and said she is going to stop by with her boyfriend. This fact in itself wasn't bad at all, until I saw that she brought some guy along with her, apparently to set me up with. I really thought she had a better taste. I just ignored the poor guy and danced with my friends. After all, I am not obligated to dance with someone I don't want, right? Besides, my night was spoiled and I didn't want to ruin it for someone else too by being rude or not paying attention during the conversation. Little did I know that the only thing the guy said in an entire night was "Hello, how are you tonight?" Which made it even easier for me to ignore him. But they left soon after, and then so did I with my friends. As I drove home, I started to get this dumb headache. It didn't really surprise me since the night that promised to be entertaining turned out to be a total bust. Well, maybe not total, since there still was a lot of dancing and laughter, and crazy salsa...

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