Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Don't take my insults seriously...

I think I've been blogging too much recently. You know, it's kind of addictive. But I love it, it's like that diary that I started a thousand times when I was little but never lasted even a week. The reasons varied - I got bored with it, I didn't like the design of the actual book, I lost it, you name it. And this blog is perfect: you can't lose it unless you forget your log in (and even then they can e-mail it to you), you can always change the design and even create your own. So I am thinking this one will be successful, or at least long-lasting. That is, if I don't get bored with it...
I came across this article while I was bored at work - I swear I must have reached the end of Internet before I stumbled across something I could read. I am not going to discuss the political scandal with Foley or the-third-this-week-shooting at school though - anyone who is interested can open any news website and read all about it and form their own opinion. I am too disgusted with these news to even discuss them here... in my opinion, there's nothing to argue about. I noticed a strange trend, if you want to call it, in news - nothing good is happening. I made it a habit to read news every morning while I drink my coffee, and all I see are disasters, arguments, attacks, disagreements ... the list goes on. It has been a while that I opened a news page and read about something positive. Although, congratulations to those scientists who won a Nobel Prize in physics and medicine. Good job guys! You made my day (just kidding)...
But back to the article I found today. I am going to admit beforehand that I am going to use some quotes from the article, but I promise I'll site the source for all of them... no loopholes for lawsuits here. So it basically teaches you how to break up with a guy, or to be more exact, how to make him break up with you. My favorite way - two weeks into a relationship ask him " So, where do we stand as a couple". Repeat weekly if necessary. Or nag him non-stop. My friends and I came up with a much more effective strategy - use, abuse and discard. Actually we made the whole theory up after one too many glasses of wine and a bad break up. So that probably is not the best idea for an everyday life. But sure is fun once in a while with the right guy. As in, if you are being a jerk to me, I'll be a jerk to you. Fair game.
Ahh, if someone who doesn't know me personally ever reads this, they will most likely think I am a man-hater, but trust me I am not. I love them. I just like to pretend I don't. The truth is, I never want to live without them. So don't take my insults too seriously. Another problem of mine? Saying something before I actually think. Then, when I hear the way it sounds when it comes out of my mouth, I'm terrified. You want an example? Here's one: I was with this guy who had a small tattoo on his arm. So when I asked if he has more, he said he has one on his stomach (or in close proximity - I can't really say stomach because he just kind of pointed at the entire area). Then I asked if it was bigger than the one he has on his arm (because you know, it was pretty small). Affirmative. So then I go ahead and say, "Well I am sure sure it's a big one." Or something along those lines. And then added, " You don't have a tattoo there." Then it hit me - the phrase totally has two meanings, and he thought of the second one judging by the way he laughed. Oh well... as I say quite a lot, shit happens.

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