Friday, October 20, 2006

It's so good to finally unwind...

Damn, what a week! I think it is pretty amazing when I leave work at 7:30pm and call it an early night. Amazingly disturbing. I basically got used to working twelve hours a day now with only five hours of sleep. Let me tell you, it is so fucking exhaustive. The funny thing though is that I haven't been able to touch any of my own reports because I just keep working on other people's crap. You would think they are incapable of doing their own work, but you are wrong. It's simply that we have one very shitty analyst. An analyst who takes five days off in the midst of our busy season (and just so you know no one takes off during the busy season), then comes back and expects all his work to be finished. An analyst who hasn't touched his report since March (October of last year in some instances), and expects us to finish it in a week. A week?! Give me a break... impossible. FYI, we did finish it in a week. But the most amazing thing? An analyst who thinks he is still in the kindergarten. Here's the story. I was finishing up his report and had a deadline last Sunday (another thing - an analyst who sets his deadlines on a weekend!), and apparently overlooked fairly large transaction. Factor in crazy working hours and hectic schedule and you might understand why it happened. Come this Monday, he comes back into town and is having a fit at work because of this fact and another, unrelated to me issue. Next Tuesday he is having an analyst meeting where he reports to my manager that I did it on purpose. On purpose? Right, I have nothing else to do at work but to sit around thinking of the ways to annoy him. Puh-leeease... So childish. It's like my old friend went to complain to my teacher when I broke some toy. The difference? We were five and such behavior was totally acceptable. My senior was laughing his ass off when he heard it. Seriously, the beginning of my week felt like Friday the thirteenth. The rest of the week was no better though. On Wednesday, my colleague announced that he might just kill somebody accidentally. When I asked why, he responded, "Well, it's 8pm and I am still here, and winter is coming". Alright, it is late, I can understand that, but what does winter have to do with anything? His response? "During summer I at least had an opportunity to lay by the pool and unwind. Now I don't have this chance and might simply suffocate here." Dead on... Today, another colleague of mine had his day ruined before 10am. Question - how can you manage to wreck your day before you have a morning coffee? Even I can't do it... yet. "It is simple", he said, "I came in the kitchen half an hour ago to pour myself some coffee to wake up and be able to function (oh I so know that feeling) and when I pressed the dispense button, one drop of coffee fell into my cup ( yeah, coffee is pretty much gone by 9:15). So I poured a new pack of coffee in the machine, pressed 'Brewing', left my cup on the table and left (it takes about five to seven minutes for it to brew). I came back in five minutes, grabbed my cup and pressed the button again. One drop of coffee again! Now I am brewing again." Yes, he was simply gone for too long. Coffee disappears with a lightening speed in the morning so if you are brewing it, you literally have to stand there and get it as soon as it's done. Otherwise, you'll just have to keep brewing. A little drama before I had my morning coffee... Great. I spent the rest of the day working on someone else's report (surprise, surprise) and bickering with my senior. Oh, and I forgot to mention my team lunch. Nothing special, except for I got another proof of what I already knew. Guys gossip no less than girls. My team consists of seven guys and two girls, I am being one of them (not surprising in the world of finance). The moment we sat down and ordered food, four of those guys started gossiping about this girl who works with us. Bingo... don't they have something else to talk about? Like sports or cars? And then they say girls talk to much.
Around 4pm I decided that I need some therapy to help me unwind... And what's the better therapy for a girl than to go shopping after work? Which I most certainly did. I both love and hate this process. I spent probably half of my paycheck today, but have to admit, I got some pretty cool stuff. Will probably have to return those boots I bought last month after all though. All for all, it was a great therapy. Now not only my fingers hurt from typing, but my toes also hurt from walking so much. I will probably have to go get a mini-massage tomorrow to unwind after unwinding...

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