Wednesday, October 11, 2006

How I spent my summer (oops, my weekend)

You know what really bugs me when I'm watching TV? That when a show you are watching gets interrupted by a commercial and you change the channel, turns out, your second-favorite show has also just gone to commercial. Then you're just stuck there with nothing to watch for three minutes. So what does one do? That's right, makes another trip to the fridge to get some leftovers, and then complains about pants not fitting properly. I guess I should stop watching TV so much anyway...
I dragged my old and tired ass out last weekend after a long work week. I am actually happy that I came out because I managed to kill two birds with one stone. Actually three, but I don't think that's the way the saying goes. I finally got to hang out with a friend I haven't seen for a while and I saw a friend whom I haven't seen for a long while. So long in fact, that he managed to make two trips overseas, get engaged and break off the engagement. Yeah, some people take years to do that. He managed to accomplish everything in mere three months, but considering the fact we used to see each other almost every week, three months is a long time. We had a blast except the fact that Mie N Yu (don't you hate the way they spell it?) served us some cheap vodka, but we wouldn't know about it until later, hence I'll come back to it later too... You know why I love being multilingual? It's the fact that I can talk about anything with another person with dozens of people surrounding us. So there I was standing by the bar with my friend (my other friend temporarily disappeared) discussing our recent escapades, present and ex love interests, or to be more specific, their sack skills, talking loudly to each other trying to get through the music (because you know, we weren't speaking English so no one could understand us, right)... Wrong! The guy who's been standing right behind us for the past five minutes, who I thought was only trying to get a drink, suddenly spoke to us... well, turns out, he's from the same city as my friend. Great! He's been standing there for the eternity, listening to our conversation, listening to us discussing the last hook up, love-making skills and blow jobs. He just stood there as if he had no idea what went on. Embarrassing? A little. But who the fuck cares. We left the place rather soon after that and decided to go somewhere and dance. Why do I always end up in the same place no matter where I start? This night was no exception. We got some more drinks and went on to shake our booties. Within approximately twenty minutes my friend and I had to ward off six or so guys between us two. Good thing our guy friend was there too so he would tell others off if we didn't want to dance with them. He's like our bodyguard when we go out... You think I am joking? At one point he actually told me that the guy who came up to me earlier (and whom I actually liked and made small talk with) was watching me like a hawk from the other side of the bar. I told him to forget about the guy and just enjoy the night. Which we did, for the next hour or so. We had to leave eventually because, you know, that place has to close at some point.
As I was driving home, I got this nasty headache (this is where that cheap vodka comes in). I knew I didn't have that many drinks to be drunk so I figured that was the reason. As I was driving home thinking how great it would feel to crawl into bed and pass out, I noticed this guy driving by me, staring in my direction. At the next light he motioned to me to roll the window down, so I did.
-Do you have another cigarette? - he asked.
- No I don't, but you can have the one I 'm smoking. (In reality I did have two left but I wasn't about to share them with a person I just met, knowing I won't be able to get any more until the following Monday).
- Where are you going?
I told him I am going home. C'mon dude, it's 4am, I'm in my car driving by myself, where do you think I'm going?
- Do you want to come home with me?
- Umm, no...
First of all you are cute, but not one-night-stand-cute, and second, I don't even know you.
- Can you take me home with you?
- No.
Seriously, if I were to sleep with you, I would go to your place.
I drove off laughing and actually was able to forget about my headache. Until I got home that is. I did exactly what I pictured I would do - I passed out on my bed without even washing my make up off. I know, so terrible of me.
Now, in case you are wondering how I know it was a cheap vodka and not me getting drunk, hear this: I talked to my friend the next morning and she also had a headache and felt like shit. And she had even fewer drinks than I did. It is impossible for us to get wasted off of two or three drinks... we know our limits and three drinks are just not it. So we decided it was a cheap vodka. I didn't even think of telling the bartender what kind of vodka I want because I assumed that Mie N Yu would serve a good liquor. Apparently not. Lesson learned - tell bartenders exactly what you want in your drink no matter where you are. See? Live and learn. Always...

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