Thursday, September 20, 2007


...It definitely was a fun ride. Despite all the bullshit and drama, I have to admit I was a bit sad leaving yesterday. Although after I thought about it, I realized that I was more upset about leaving the people behind than the place itself. Certain people, but nonetheless.
The goodbye was short and simple, just like my tenure at the firm. Very few people cried and even fewer were distressed... Alright, I am kidding, it wasn't melodramatic a tiny bit. I did get a card though, it was so funny. During lunch, we went out for dinner, all nine of us. One of the analysts tried to have me pay for it but obviously that didn't work out that well for him. Honestly, I think he still remembers how much we were getting paid there and should not really ask me for things like that. Plus, it's not two or three people... there were nine of them and if I am not mistaken, the entire bill was close to $150. Not a lot, but is for one person to cover.
I also decided to roll out earlier since I didn't see a point of staying there until 5pm. It's not like I've been doing any work there for the past two weeks. What's two more hours?
...I remember when P. quit, he told me he felt as if he could breath easier. At the time, I just laughed it off thinking that he was just so sick of the place, he made up these little stories to make it seem better. But you know what? As soon as I got to my car and drove out of the garage, I felt as if the weight's been lifted off my shoulders and I literally could breath easier. The air was fresher, the sky bluer and the grass greener... the whole shebang. The drive home was a breeze too.
I still have four days until I start my new gig, so it feels like a mini-vacation now. Have got to take advantage of it.
I am free as a bird...

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