Friday, September 21, 2007

Sleeping beauty's party.

Ahh the sweet smell of freedom. Not having to wake up at the crack of dawn... fine at 7:30am. Crack of dawn still, in my opinion. Everything before 10am is. Being able to lounge around all day in my pajamas. This day felt exactly like that. Fells amazing, even though I only have two days to enjoy it. But it's the concept that counts, in my opinion.
Yesterday was S.'s birthday and my last day at work, so I decided to commemorate both of these events by attending the party that he threw. I didn't make it there until late and everyone was there already, including one of S.'s friends that I've never seen before. Well, talk about weird... I remember watching her and S. dance and I saw him looking perplexed. I wasn't sure if he was turned on by the view, or terrified. Turns out, the latter. As he later told me, that girl has a reputation of the one that's been around the block... few times. And even though my eleventh commandment is "Do Not Judge", I couldn't help but frown after the things I heard. But this is not the purpose of this post as it doesn't directly impact me ... However, what happened next, did. After the party was over around 3am, S., The New Girl and I headed to R.'s place for a quick sober up. On our way there, The New Girl kept bragging about the latest guy she's hooked up with and how she wants to do it again this same second. "Fine by me", I remember thinking, "do whatever rocks your boat". Apparently, she didn't really care which guy she was going to hook up with as she ran to the middle of the road and started hauling cars passing by. Seriously? At first I thought she was joking, but after one of the cars stopped, my desire to laugh suddenly evaporated. I mean, we are three girls in the middle of the night in the middle of the street, and you are trying to stop a random guy to pick him up for one night? It got worse from there too. One of the cars actually started following us and the guys driving it were yelling things out to us. Really, really not funny. Who knows what's on their drunken mind at 3am... They followed us around the block, then disappeared, and then reappeared again on the other side of the street. Then, one of them got out of the car and started walking towards us. At that point, I wanted to start running... but he just gave The New Girl his phone number and left. OK, nice... good thing is was just a piece of paper with his phone number on it. Could be worse. I have to call R. and bitch to her about it later today.
We made it to R.'s place shortly thereafter. Thankfully, she was still awake so we decided to hung out for a little bit before driving home, especially since S. was completely gone by that point. We started fooling around and R. took some pictures that I hope would never see the light of the day (I will keep them on my camera though), had some food, and got kicked out by R. around 5am. She motivated it with the fact that she had to get up for work in a few hours. Work? Puh-lease... No one works anymore...
Who am I kidding... I will be back in the office by Monday...

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