Monday, September 10, 2007

Small world.

Eight days left... I have so much stuff to wrap up before I leave it's not even funny. And as usual, I am procrastinating about it.
So last Thursday was P.'s last day at work. Technically, it was supposed to be Friday but he decided not to show up. My manager was less than excited about it, of course. As his parting gift, he left a bunch of push pins on my chair... how nice of him... Then today, S. also put in his two weeks. My manager is now looking less than stellar. S. told me that her eyes actually welled up when he told her he was leaving. I'm sure once the upper people find out that one third of her people quit within a month, they won't be too happy about it. Oh well, you make your bed, you have to lie in it...
This past Friday my friends and I went to DC. The place we went to was a nice change of scenery from our usual hangouts. At first, I almost stayed home since I went out the night before but thankfully, changed my mind. Ten calls and texts from my friends probably helped too. The night turned out great and I ended up staying the latest despite the fact I was so reluctant to come out in the first place. I am amazed at the level of rapport my friends and I have. At one point during the night, S. and I were out on the dance floor when I noticed a guy I like standing nearby. Two minutes later, S. asked if he could leave to join the rest of our friends. "Two minutes", I asked her pointing at the guy. She just nodded and stayed there with me until the guy came up to strike up a conversation. We danced and talked for another five minutes. "S., you can go if you want to, I'll stay here." She just smiled and left shortly thereafter. Awesome. No explanations, no puzzled looks... They did come back in another twenty minutes, but only to tell me they were leaving and see if I wanted to go with them. I didn't, so they left. I stayed with the guy a little longer, and then drove up to R.'s place before I went home. And guess what? I didn't get home until the sunrise again...
The next day was N.'s birthday and we went out to dinner in Tysons first, and then to this new club in DC. I didn't expect anything extraordinary of it, but surprisingly, it was really nice there. I especially liked the fact that since I've never been there before, I would not run into anyone I know. Wishful thinking. The moment I went out for a cigarette, I saw A. approaching me. He actually scared the hell out of me since he simply popped up out of the darkness. I was happy to see him since it's been a while, and we arranged to meet up the week after to go skydiving. But I guess I have to talk to R. about the fact that he and I made out in the past*. I just hope she doesn't kill me...

*A. and R. had a fling before I knew either one of them. Is DC becoming too small for me?

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