Sunday, February 04, 2007

Way to spice things up.

Ever wonder how to make dull things more fun? Yeah, so do I.
This was another weekend spent sleeping and watching "House" and "Law and Order". An update - "House" is totally addictive. Now I am officially watching two shows. Although the latter is only on on Friday nights when I am usually out so I really have to reconsider my last statement. Or get a DVD. When I started getting headache from being home all weekend, I called up my friend to see if he wanted to catch a movie. He did, so now my weekend fun consisted of going to movies on Sunday night. Great... Definitely need to shake things up. I just wish it wasn't so cold outside and I didn't have to spend so much time at work. I figured we definitely need something more than some dumb, albeit supposedly good movie to kill the remainder of an already slow weekend. So I grabbed a few bottles of beer and headed for a movie theater. When I showed up (fashionably ten minutes late), my friend had already gotten the tickets and we headed in. Luckily, we were late for the start of the seance, and missed all commercials and new trailers. I just love showing up late just so I can catch the movie and not the bullshit that precedes it. The theatre was almost empty so we picked the seats we liked and made ourselves comfortable and prepared to watch the movie. Unfortunately, I thought of it more than it actually was. Despite the amazing cast, I was bored within the first fifteen minutes. And freezing cold. So I figured it was time to pop that beer. My friend agreed so I handed him my keys and bottles and told him to help himself. I heard a faint pop, which I don't think anyone else noticed. But then I could distinctly smell the beer and I am sure the others in the theatre could too. To make things worse, I saw a movie attendant walking up the stairs with her flashlight in hands checking the rows. What a great way would it be to end a weekend than to be thrown out of the movies, in the best-case scenario. The worst - they will so going to call cops on us... after all they are parked just outside the entrance. To my relief, she did not notice anything and as soon as she was gone, we started drinking. Honestly, after twenty minutes or so the movie was funny and I was so warm I had to take my jacket off. Another hour passed by, and we finished all our beer, lost a bottle cap and knocked over an empty bottle, creating a noise you can't confuse with anything else. As my friend went fishing for a bottle cap, I caught a few people glancing in our directions most likely aware of what was going on. Too bad, couldn't care less about them. After all, I do not make comment when they slurp their sodas, or crunch their popcorn, or rustling with that candy and whatnot. So why do they become so concerned when they hear bottles falling over?
In general, the movie was great, although I think I have to watch it again now. I do not really remember what was happening in the second half of it. Someone got killed, I know that, but who or why I have no clue.
And another thought going through my head while I was driving home? Why is drinking in movies prohibited? I am sure they would get their sales up and some movies seem less dull had they allowed it. Don't you think?

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