Saturday, February 17, 2007

Birthday party.

I have taken quite a long break from blogging. Not sure why I haven't felt the urge to write something, but I definitely feel the need now, perhaps due to the fact that I finally woke up from hibernation and got back to the night scene. So beware DC, as I am back!
But moving on to more important things - so many things have happened since my last post that I most certainly do not remember half of them, but will definitely try to be as specific as possible. I think it only fits that I start with my friend's birthday celebration that happened yesterday. As it was Friday, I did not feel like getting out at all at first especially if you add the cold weather to my already cheerless mood. However, after much consideration I decided to venture out, if only to escape the never-ending-mind-numbing TV. Plus, I knew my friend was going to be furious if I skipped yet another dinner with her. The thing is, since she got married we barely see each other and I have already cancelled on her several times. I have to admit though that I did manage to avoid having dinner and only showed up for drinks, even though in other circumstances I wouldn't be so happy with my being stuck at work excuse. This time it worked though.
As most of this crew lives around here, they decided to go to a nearby bar where I later joined them. It was pretty damn awesome seeing all these people again, as I haven't seen some of them for almost a year. Definitely not since the last World Cup. As soon as I showed up, the birthday girl ran over to tell me that she wants to go to the bar and talk to some boys she has met earlier. It seemed like she's been waiting for me to go with her as she never asked anyone else we were with. Since I needed a drink anyway, I agreed and we made our way to the bar where I finally got my mojito and bought her a margarita. The bar scene was fairly good, although strangely familiar. It was only later that I realized how much it resembled college parties - from the decor, to drinks, to the overall feel. As I was busy catching up on the latest news, I did not care much. Plus, I was enjoying my drink a bit too much. No later than five minutes, I saw a guy making his way over to us with, as I thought, an intention to strike up a conversation. Thankfully, I was wrong. He worked there, and we actually got some T-shirts dedicated to St. Patrick's Day with a logo that read - gasp - "I love beer". So right. Although it was more like I-the shamrock-a glass full of beer. But you get the point. We also managed to get two badges in the shape of a shamrock that were blinking green. It does not seem as significant now, but made me extremely excited back at the bar when it seemed like it was only reserved for waiters... We stayed there until almost 1am, lost all our friends in the process (to be more exact, they went home since it was getting late for them).
My friend headed home shortly thereafter and I dialed up this guy I met a few weeks ago. He seemed funny and cool so I decided to give him a shot. Once we met up and talked for a bit though, I realized that there was no spark. None. Whatsoever. I wonder how can you enjoy talking to someone and at the same time not feel any connection beyond the friendship level. Shouldn't it be illegal? Shouldn't it be that you either fully take the pleasure in someone or not at all? Stupid chemistry... I did enjoy talking to him but I do not think I'd ever see him as anything more than a guy I can have a conversation with. Bummer. Although to be completely honest, I suspected something like that in the beginning but decided to give it another go in hope that things would pick up. They didn't. Oh well. No big deal after all. There is always a next guy. We did have fun time talking and laughing though, so I have not completely wasted my time. I got home a little after 4am and passed out immediately, exhausted after the work week and a subsequent night out, dreading the moment I had to wake up and finally do something useful around the house...

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