Sunday, February 11, 2007

Are we that ignorant?

I was at work the other day trying to be productive for a change when a friend of mine sent me this link to some article. Knowing that this particular girl usually sends me funny jokes or stories, I didn't think twice about the content of an article as I clicked on the link. Unfortunately, as I opened it I realized it was some story about another dead Hollywood celebrity. Oh well, surprising and unexpected, but sending me the link while at work? A bit too much. I replied, "I'm crushed" hoping she would catch a sarcasm. She didn't. She actually thought I was serious about it and told me she was saddened when she read it. I mean, are you kidding me? Why is everyone I know so obsessed with celebrities and gossip? Do we really have nothing else to talk about or do we simply not care enough about what's going on outside of our borders and focus only on the within? Naturally, people pay more attention to things that hit closer to home, but even then it seems we focus our attention on some junk instead of real issues that are happening right in front of our eyes. It looks like we deem some celebrity gossip more important than economic or social developments, which are much more important and influential on our lives. Now, don't get me wrong, I think that celebrity death was a horrible incident, but I in no way see it being more important than the deaths of four teenagers who have been gunned down by a rival gang. This, in my eyes, is much more tragic and worth paying attention to. And really, don't we have our own lives to focus on that we become fixated on someone else's lives, on the numerous reality shows and people trying to get famous by acting stupid? I refuse to believe that there's nothing else going on with us that we glue ourselves to TV screen four week nights out of five to watch some new dumb reality show... Seriously, if you are that bored, get a hobby...
Anyhow, moving on. I could rant about it for hours.
I finally got myself out on Friday, and I was late for meeting my friends once again. We were supposed to meet up at 11pm. 11:07pm - a phone call, caller ID reads N., "I'm at your work, waiting for you outside". "Be there in five minutes", I lie knowing it'll take me a good ten to get there. 11:15pm - I am two minutes away, another phone call, this time it's R. inquiring about my whereabouts. "I am late, but apparently you are even later than that." "Already on the light", I tell him making a turn onto the main street. Word of advise, punctuality is not my thing... So let it go. Being way too lazy and frozen, we decided not to head to DC and simply hang out in the area. We went to a local bar and stumbled upon an 80's-themed-party. Overall, it was pretty fun and corny, although I have to point out some people there looked like they were partying in the 80's for real. I also have to admit this was one of few nights that went on without drama. Well, drama was happening, but surprisingly I wasn't involved. Do you know one thing that's missing at a great party? A gurney and an ambulance. As I stepped outside to smoke, I noticed a few police officers and ER doctors rushing toward a back entrance of the bar. Someone else brought a gurney shortly thereafter. I wanted to stay outside and watch what happens next, but unfortunately got too cold waiting around and had to go inside. As I heard later from my friend, someone had an alcohol poisoning and had to be taken to the hospital. Now we're talking 80's. True spirit of the times. Although I kept thinking, do you really need to party so hard that you require an ambulance and a stomach pump? You'd think a few shots and a drink here and there is enough... As I was about to head home, my phone beeped. A text from this guy, AJ, I met a few weeks back. Asking what I am up to. It's almost 3am, what do you think I am up to. Warm shower and even warmer bed, you idiot. I didn't say that though, instead I decided not to reply. I also decided to skip a shower once I got home, crawled in my bed and fell asleep immediately.
I'll deal with him some other time.

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