Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A shout from down under.

And I am back to work yet again. This three day weekend has passed by even faster than all the regular ones. Indeed, Friday and Saturday were pretty busy and intense, therefore it was Sunday evening before I could even blink. As much as I wanted to go somewhere on a Sunday night, I was forced to stay home since the weather was horrible. Even though I absolutely love snow, I cannot stand wind and sleet and that is exactly how the outside looked. As a result I had to refrain from any further adventures and instead curled up in my bed with a book. I intended to spend the entire day, or to be more exact, what was left of it, doing exactly that but then the funny thing happened. My phone rang and when I picked up I heard an unfamiliar voice on the other end of the line. Imagine my surprise when it turned out to be my aunt whom I haven't spoken to for approximately five years. I do not even think I've ever seen her since her family moved to Australia shortly after I was born and I have never been in much contact with her. I only remember speaking to her on the phone once or twice when I was still in high school and seeing some old pictures of her in my family's photo albums. It was nice and weird talking to her at the same time. Nice because I was eager to hear what was going on with her and her kids all these years, and weird because I only know her from pictures. In my mind, she is twenty years old, kind of a frozen image from the old picture as I cannot even imagine how she looks right now. We agreed that she'd email me some pictures of herself, so imagine my excitement when I got to work today and discovered an email from her. Not only did she gave me the latest update on herself, but also told me quite a bit about my ancestors, going as far back as my grand-grand-grand-grandfather which I found very fascinating.
It was definitely very interesting to see those faces and possibly dive in a little deeper into my own history. Indeed, I have never heard about these people and know very little about them (or most likely, nothing at all), but seeing them made me contemplate my lineage, if only for a few minutes. It is interesting how things have changed in just a several decades. Even the stories that I heard from my dad I know will never repeat themselves and never will that community come back to life. As much as people tried to keep close back then to preserve and pass on their identity, just as much it's becoming diluted now. And while I can see certain benefits of living in today's environment, I think that it must have been so much more fun living the way our parents did in the 60's or 70's, when the values were very different from nowadays and people seemed to be concerned with other, far more important things. I believe there are very few people now who are really aware of their own history and it disturbs me how unwilling all others are to find out about it. It is very sad though, as someone who does not know his history is not really worth their future. What's even sadder is the fact that it does not concern anyone any longer when they are so busy trying to catch up with the progress...
As long as they don't run so fast that they forget what they are looking for...
P.S. I also tend to cut my thoughts abruptly, but it is only because there is really nothing more to say, or so much that I will probably run out of space if I were to delve into the subject any deeper. Plus, I am leaving some space for future pondering and possibly further discussion.

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