Sunday, February 18, 2007

Most definitely promising.

Well, what can I say, I've dealt with AJ, alright.... Although we spoke almost every day this week, we never found time to meet, either due to my busy schedule, or his (alleged). But, inevitably, it happened. Even though it was pretty exciting, I cannot help but wonder if sex only gets better with time? As in, once you get to know what the other person likes, it is that much easier to enjoy yourself and have fun in bed. And if so, how do you know when you should stop trying to improve what you have in case it doesn't work out the first few times? I checked in with my friend about it and he agreed with it, except for the time one should be willing to spend advancing each other's skills. I do think that once you clearly see it doesn't work out, it should be a sign it's time to part ways, or in some cases to remain friends if both parties agree. Unfortunately, I am speaking from my personal experience and I am aware what it can lead to if not addressed. But more about it later, I am in no mood now to delve into this discussion right now.
After AJ left around 7pm, I was contemplating going to DC since a friend of mine put together some girls-only party that I got invited to. But then it dawned on me - I have this room until tomorrow afternoon, the bed is great, they have tons of places that deliver food within a one-mile radius, it is freezing and windy outside, so why not just stay in and chill in the hotel. Which is exactly what I did. I ordered some sushi and stayed in watching some TV and enjoying my night away from everyone. And I mean everyone. I switched my phone to silent so no one could bother me and put a "Privacy please" tag on my door knob. When I woke up Sunday morning, I felt as if I just slept for eternity. Maybe it was due to the bed, or maybe because it was a first chance to get away in a long time without anyone bothering me or asking me what to do and where to go. Granted, I had quite a few missed calls and angry texts, but it was well-worth it. And although I realize I'd probably have had a blast had I called my friends and invited them over (which I definitely thought about in the beginning), I figured I needed some alone time to think through the past few weeks of my life. I have to admit though, I did no such thing, instead I chose to clear my mind from any thoughts that were bugging me recently and just do nothing for once. Absolutely nothing.
And the sushi was amazing too.

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