Friday, November 03, 2006

Why can't the entire week consist of Fridays?

I take it back, why can't it be Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays? I even don't mind working Friday, as long as I have an entire weekend ahead of me. All the time.
All in all, it's another rough week at work. I knew it was going to be bad when I woke up tired Monday morning. I could barely concentrate at work all week, and my colleague's sarcasm didn't help, although temporarily made me smile. "Good thing it's already Monday" he told me as soon as I got to work that day and got some coffee. Yeah, it is amazing. Only five more days to go. Then I got stuck in traffic three days out of five, which made me late for work and even more aggravated. I definitely have to concentrate on looking for an apartment.
I just realized I haven't seen an old friend of mine since the end of June. This is sad. Although I think the first month or so she was just upset with me because we weren't able to meet up one night because I wasn't going to wait until midnight until she was finished with her plans and she didn't want to drive to DC where I was when she finally reached me. So we had a little fall out. But things have been fine for the past three months and we still haven't found the time to meet. Once again, it is very sad considering we live fifteen minutes apart. Definitely have to put it on my radar - do not abandon old friends. Because no matter how much fun you have with people who are in your life now, old friends are also an important part of who you are even if you are not able to meet up as often as you used to...
I had no idea how lazy I am. I was just picking an outfit for tonight, when I realized I can't even bring myself to move the shoe box out of my way when I walk into my closet. Every time I need to get dressed I have to step over it - and let me tell you half the times I just trip as I am in a hurry to get to work or meet friends - instead of simply moving it away. Amazing...
So all my plans of staying home tonight went out of the window when my friend called me a few hours ago to drag me out. Which I am kind of grateful for, because I definitely need some dancing time. I have no idea where we are going and I don't think she has either, and since it is after 10pm, it bothers me a bit. We better decide before midnight...
Alright, she just called me, and it seems like we narrowed it down to two places which doesn't seem too bad. So now I have to go and get ready since I am supposed to meet her downtown in an hour and I don't want to be late. Because I am always late meeting her and I feel bad about making her wait, especially if you take into consideration the fact that she is usually the one driving me to the club and back.
Gotta go...

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