Thursday, November 23, 2006

An early start.

Thanksgiving is here!
My family is out of town!
I am so happy. I did plan to spend my Thanksgiving in front of a TV consuming ice cream and chocolate, but when do we ever get what we want. My friend is hosting a Thanksgiving party at her boyfriend's house and naturally she invited me to come over. The good thing? It won't start until 10pm or so, so it still gives me plenty of time to get ready. One thing I realized though is that all stores are closed today and I have nothing to bring her as my gratitude for inviting me over. Unless... unless I take that bottle of alcohol that's been in the trunk of my car since who-knows-when. If only I can find a paper bag for it. Damn it, I don't really want to take it but I don't have much choice, do I? I can't just show up empty-handed. Well, that's settled.
As usual, we got an early start for our holiday last night. Well, it actually started in the afternoon when I took off work at 1:30pm. I was so bored and none of my managers were there, and half of the people were gone by lunch, and so I decided to leave too. Hoping to get home early. Yeah, right. I spent almost two hours in traffic even though it was 2pm and I took back roads. On top of it being a day before Thanksgiving, it was pouring like crazy so everyone was driving even slower. I still got home before I usually do which gave me an opportunity to take a nice long nap before heading out.
The place we went to was so crowded, it felt like weekend. I think a lot of people decided to go out since everyone was off the next day and felt the need to start celebration early. After saying a mandatory hello to a few friends, we finally escaped upstairs and enjoyed our night. If I remember correctly, we were the only people dancing there, but did not seem to care. In the end, it's all about enjoying the night, isn't it? As I was about to leave, I ran into my old friend M. who has been MIA after I ignored his phone calls. Did all guys suddenly decide to hang out at the same places I do? Anyhow, I pretended I was happy to see him and we made some small talk after which he asked me where I was headed. And guess what? I told him! I still have no clue as to why I did. He said he'd join me there later, but I don't think I paid attention to what he was saying anyway - my friend was practically dragging me out of the club. She had good reasons to do so, for that matter. We all decided to have some hookah with our late night meal and it would have been the first one for her. There is this one tiny place Downtown that has an amazing shisha and that is exactly where we went. I was in the middle of my chicken cabob when I saw M. walking in. I swear I almost chocked (as probably did my friend), but still forced a smile out and invited him to sit at our table. Big mistake on his part... especially the entire show off act. Clearly, I wasn't the only one who found him annoying - my friend looked like she was about to reach over the table and slap him. While I still tried to be polite, she didn't even make an attempt to hide her feelings and spent the next hour picking on a poor guy. As he was trying to compliment me on a jewelry I was wearing by saying "I like it", I responded, "I know... I bought it". Rude I know, but who really cares. As we were walking to the car, I thought of a polite way to let him know I am not interested, but unexpectedly he played into my hands. As he leaned over to kiss me, I turned away and instead gave him a kiss on a cheek. Polite enough, but also clear enough. I just hope he gets the point. When we were driving home, my friend was laughing at the way I gently let him down but I think I did the right thing - after all, the guy was never rude with me, he just wasn't my type. Why would I be rude to him because of that, right?
Turkey tonight...

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