Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Back to school?

So since I am done with my busy season at work, I find I have a lot of free time on my hands now. Sometimes more than I actually know what to do with. I can't complain though since it finally gave me a perfect opportunity to complete a bunch of personal tasks while at work. You don't believe me? Watch it:
I finally opened up a new CD account since I came across some special interest rate on a short term CD. I actually thought about transferring money into a savings account, but later came across this promotion and decided to go with it. Hell with it, why not. After all, nine months is not that big of a deal and they have a fairly high APR for such a short-term investment. About two percent premium over their long term investment vehicles. It was a bit of a gamble for me in a way that I invested all available money in it, but hey I get paid tomorrow and should have some funds available for personal spending then. And by personal spending I mean a dress, to which I will get to later.
I also paid all my bills. Yay! They've been just sitting at my desk at home since I never have time to take care of them. Because I am almost never home! And even when I am, I am usually too exhausted to think about anything important. I also totally took advantage of my company and mailed them out for free. Well, actually I talked our mail room guys into mailing it for me. I don't think they mind it, they are really nice guys. Plus, I am sure they get those kinds of requests on a daily basis.
Next, I played around with my 401K. First of all, I actually managed to set up an online access to my portfolio. I am so proud of myself. At least now I know what is going on there and can check in on a more or less regular basis. Well I actually discovered my portfolio has been doing fairly well considering the market hasn't been exactly soaring lately. I also corrected a dumb mistake I made when I first opened up an account. Stupid me decided to invest some money into a money market account. Why? No clue. Why would anyone in their right mind invest in a money market? Might as well keep it in a bank. Actually, you can probably earn a higher interest there. So anyway, I finally reallocated those scraps that get transferred to a portfolio every month and now I am expecting to see even higher returns. I stay hopeful.
Lastly, I decided to take a look into GMAT. Bad idea. Now that I have, I do not ever want to see them again. You know, that thing sucks... I took a practice exam and even though I did fairly well, I realized how much I forgot since high school and freshman year of college and how much studying and reviewing I have to do now. That knocked all desire out of me to take the exam in the near future. I think I'll concentrate on CFA now. Well, not now, but probably next year. Plus, my company pays for it so why not get it while I am still working there. Right? Right.
So there was my Monday... Not bad at all if you look at all the things I managed to do while looking busy and as if I am working on something.
Today though was a much much more boring day. We had some sort of professor from Georgetown University come over to read us a lecture on investment performance analysis. The moment he handed out slides, I knew it wasn't going to be good - the freaking book was two hundred pages long. I was right. The thing was bo-o-oring. Well, the guy was pretty good, but the entire lecture lasted seven hours, unbelievably long time to concentrate and listen. I still have no idea how the guy managed to speak for so long. The saddest part though was the fact that since he had to cover so much material, he didn't go into details about any of the topics. It was more like this: "You see this financial model? As a reminder, this is how it looks like. Alright, moving on..." Well, I remember what it looks like, but it would be nice to get some sort of refresher and maybe even a more detailed analysis. But anyhow... at least he concentrated on a portfolio attribution analysis, which was actually quite useful. Overall, he did a great job.
Anyway, tomorrow is the last day I can ask my friend to come to our Christmas party with me. Hope I have enough guts to do so. And that is exactly why I need to buy a dress and probably shoes. And that is what I meant by personal spending. So that paycheck definitely comes in handy, if you ask me.
Wish me luck tomorrow and hope he doesn't say no... I don't want to show up alone, plus I need a ride back in case I get tipsy. Just kidding.... I don't drink.
Hope you didn't believe that last statement too...

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