Saturday, November 04, 2006

The weekend has finally kicked in!

So we did indeed go out last night. And let me tell you - it was so damn awesome. Except we didn't get to the place until after 1am, because I was late meeting my friends (surprise, surprise). Oh, I wish we got there earlier because the music was so fine, I don't think they played a single song I didn't want to dance too, and trust me I am extremely picky about this kind of stuff. It was surprisingly not too crowded so I could actually move to the music. Of course, my evening wouldn't be complete, if someone didn't decide to mess with it. So apparently my friend and her boyfriend decided to bring over the guy I totally ignored last week. Seriously, when I saw him in a car as they were about to pick me up, my heart skipped a beat. Are you kidding me? Why would you bring him over to try to set me up again if I made it perfectly clear last week I was not interested. Well, half an hour later I pulled my friend aside as we were walking to the lounge and asked her those same questions. Her response definitely came as a relief - apparently no one actually invited him, but he decided to come over once he found out I am going to be there. "Babe, I would not do you this wrong", my friend told me. Thanks babe, love you back... I mean, don't get me wrong, this guy is probably one of the sweetest people I ever met, but he is just so SO shy and reserved. I can't stand reserved guys, let alone reserved guys who try to get to know me. If all you can manage to say during the twenty minute car ride is "How have you been", chances are you are not going to get a decent conversation out of me later. Another thing that bugged me? When we were dancing in the lounge, he asked me if I wanted to dance with him. I told him I am already dancing, which is a polite way of saying no, right? He seemed to get a point, until he started coming on to me repeatedly after about ten minutes. I usually try to deal with these kind of situations myself, but I had to tell my friend and eventually her boyfriend, he was so annoying. He finally managed to pull me away from this guy. I just remember I kept thinking, which part of "No" did you not understand? I hate it the most when you tell a guy you are not interested, yet he is trying to get with you. Is it that a "No" simply doesn't exist in guy's vocabulary?
In any case, I think someone had a talk with the guy because he made himself invisible for the rest of the night, which gave me a perfect opportunity to chill out and finally relax. That was the time I saw this guy standing ten feet away staring at me. He was cute, so I decided to play this game I play. Whenever a guy keeps glancing at me but doesn't come over to strike up a conversation, I just smile and stare back. It's like this game I used to play in grade school - when you stare in another person's eyes and whoever looks away first loses. We played this game for about five minutes after which I decided that if he doesn't have guts to come over and talk, he doesn't really worth my attention. So I went around looking for my friend and we were just standing aside talking when I saw, no I felt, this same guy looking at me again. So I turned around, smiled at him and waved at him to come over. He finally did and we talked for a bit, then danced, and then my friend came over and told me we were leaving. So I said my good-byes and left, having left him my phone number, although I was not really expecting him to call. Little did I know, he texted me the moment my friends dropped me off, offering to meet up in Georgetown to grab a quick bite. Since I was already driving home, I told him no. I offered I'd let him know where I am headed the following night and if he wishes so, he can come over and we'll hang out. We exchanged half a dozen silly messages, and I am willing to bet anything I called him "babe" around five times. Aah, alcohol does wonders...
You know what I just did? I just agreed to meet my ex, A. What on earth am I thinking? I keep telling myself that we are just friends, and even though my feelings for him are long dead (those few that actually developed), I know he wants to give it another shot. It just doesn't seem he understands that it is definitely over, and the only reason I want to keep him in my life is because despite our difficulties when we were together, I still think we can remain friends. Not best friends, but those kind of friends who meet up once every few months over a cup of coffee and catch up. I just hope the feeling is mutual and he won't bring the past up once we actually meet...

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