Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving dinner.

I had no idea my friend is such a good cook! Damn, that was awesome. I also had no clue she would actually cook so much food both in quantity and variety. The poor girl probably spent all her Thursday in the kitchen. And she hosted this dinner for her boyfriend and some friends. Aww, so sweet... But seriously, the food was delicious. Although when I got up for seconds, almost everything was gone. I probably shouldn't be surprised anyway - there were a dozen or so guys there and, naturally, they just inhaled the food. Oh well, good for them as long as I got hands on more mashed potatoes.
After watching some TV and sipping beer, we decided to play some poker. Actually, correction, guys were playing some poker while girls were sitting nearby trying to figure out the rules. Let me tell you, it was a pretty challenging task. I am familiar with poker rules, but these guys kept changing them with every hand they played which made following their game practically impossible. After two hours, all I was able to notice was the chips migrating from one guy to another... That was probably the point when I decided to go home. It was almost 3am, almost my bed time.
As I was getting my shoes and my purse, this guy I know came up to me and started talking. Since he was clearly drunk, I wasn't paying much attention, plus I was trying to get home and to bed as soon as possible. That is until he asked if I want to hang out with him. Oh, no! Again! The thing is, he already asked me out a few months back and I told him no. Too shy, too reserved for me... I told him thanks, but no thanks. So he just kept talking and after about two minutes he asked me again! "Perhaps, you would want to hang out when there aren't like fifty people around?" Umm, no, perhaps if I want to fall asleep fast but otherwise no. I was getting annoyed, but kept my cool knowing he had a few too many drinks. So after I put my coat on and said good-bye, he goes "So do you want to have my phone number?" Hello! What did I just say?! That's three strikes in under five minutes. Definitely a new record for me... Dude, no. At this point, I simply shook my head and walked right past him to go home.
A little P.S. My friend called me today and apparently the entire story wasn't over after I left. As soon as I walked out of the door, the guy went on a rant saying "Who does she think she is that she doesn't want to go out with me?!" After that I believe he called me a bitch... Seriously? I told him no three times, four if you consider that time two months ago and he has a nerve to offer me his phone number? You know, sometimes "not interested" really means "not interested". Guys just don't get it, you know. Especially, if their mind has been fueled by alcohol. But anyway, after he started calling me names, my friend basically told him to shut up and mind his own business. When he didn't, her boyfriend asked him to stop insulting his friends. He still went on. At this point, my friend's boyfriend simply asked him to leave. Talk about a happy Thanksgiving for the poor guy. Although he totally deserved it...
Oh, and I loved when my friend stood up for me even when I wasn't there. And totally appreciate it. Thanks you guys...

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