Thursday, April 05, 2007

Head meet desk...Part II

So yesterday I met this guy I texted this past Saturday . He picked me up around 8 pm and we went to the bar I was actually unfamiliar with (shocker). It was kinda empty for a Thursday night, but I didn't expect it to be anymore packed since I've never even heard of this place. So the first thing I noticed about him was the fact that he got a new car (another shocker - that guy is crazy about gadgets, and if wants one, he gets one), and that he looked exactly the same as I remembered. Just as good as a year ago. Well, that just makes things harder. If he, for example, gained twenty pounds, I would've felt better, but we can never get what we want, can we? We had a few beers and spent the rest of the night chatting about old times and some recent events. He seemed the same as when I left him, but there was one thing that I noticed when we stepped outside for a cigarette - he was nervous. When he shouldn't have been. I mean, you don't really get nervous after you've spent more than two years with somebody, even though you haven't seen them for a while. Or do you? He definitely was. Random questions, abrupt gestures, you name it - he did it. I thought it was funny considering the fact that he never seemed nervous when we were together. Except for our first night together... but that is acceptable and totally understandable. I would be too... if I had fewer drinks.
Anyhow, after three hours or so of drinking, I decided it was time to head home since I had to work the next day. Honestly speaking, I was waiting for him to bring up the past, but he didn't mention anything and I was actually hoping we are just going to leave it at that and write off my text message as a stupid prank. Wishful thinking... He drove me home first and then I stayed in his car for another ten minutes to finish up my cigarette. I was about to leave when he finally asked, "Are you sure you have to go?". "No, but I better go." And it was the truth - I wanted to stay more than ever but I knew that if I do, we'll be back right where we started. So I wished him good night and headed home.
I got up the next morning convinced I made the right decision. My phone didn't think so though. I had one new text message, "Not even one kiss..." I have to admit it made me smile. I knew it was wrong, but I was relieved to know his thoughts were going in the same direction as mine, even though the sign should have read, "Do not enter. High voltage." I spent the rest of the day pondering whether I should reply, and at the end wrote, "Have one more drink and maybe there will be another kiss."
And I left it at that. I didn't say Yes, didn't say No but I left the door slightly open...

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