Friday, December 14, 2007

Two bottles of liquor aren't enough, but three are too much...

... Why don't take five so not to run to the store twice...
I just came back home a few minutes ago. Tired as a dog running a marathon. Today has been hectic, with the exception of work, where I did nothing but sat on my ass drinking hot tea all day long. My director sent me an invite to a one-on-one meeting though for next Monday. Now I have two things in mind. First, he's going to tell me they have finally decided to keep me and my probation period is over; or second where he'll suggest I look for another spot in the company. Any of these scenarios might happen. It could also be a third possibility that he just wants to find out how I am doing and whether I have any concerns, but I highly doubt it's that. Honestly, at this point I'd rather know what's going on one way or another - the uncertainty is killing me. I would finally like to know what's going on to have at least some stability in one part of my life. Because so far, everything seems to be going wrong and falling apart.
I left work early to go to my scuba diving class. I think it is the only thing right now that's keeping me somewhat sane. Otherwise, it would be nothing but a slide downhill. I do have to admit that I am excited about it, despite the fact I haven't even opened the book. I am wondering if I can pass my final on Sunday without reading the book... I guess I'll find out tomorrow, when I open it for the first time in the last minute... We are supposed to be in the pool tomorrow, and water has a calming effect on me so hopefully that will help...
After my class, I went to Clyde's to meet a friend of mine, A. I haven't seen him in a while and figured it would be a nice time to catch up. When I got there, A. and few of his friends I never met before were there and it seemed like everyone was having a blast. We stayed there for about an hour, during which we managed to disrupt the place, drink a whole lot of wine (well, I am speaking for myself) and finish a three course dinner.... Although I do have to admit, we ended up sharing the food... And I finally saw A.'s new car. It rocks... I need to snap a few pictures for my album. It seems though that I am not the only one having problems. On our way back, we were talking and he brought up a very nice, if not convenient, thought. It is, after all, the end of they year and even though things seem to be going awry in every aspect of our life, the new year should bring more stability and comfort. Damn, I wish I shared his optimism. I wish you could just jump from one year to another, or month to month, and all your worries and troubles erased themselves. Wouldn't life be easy and convenient then? Just struggling through a few days in order to start everything all over again...
Life's a bitch though and I am too old now to believe this fairytale...

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