Saturday, June 09, 2007

Verheiratet. Teil vier.

I finally met my potential husband earlier today. Potential husband my ass. I saw the picture of him yesterday, and let me tell you, I did not like it. I was assured though, that it is a picture from a few years back and that now he "might look different".
He did... but still not really my type. First, he showed up but didn't even bother to call me to say he was there, and I ended up waiting for him for half an hour or so on the other side of Starbucks. Second, which was supposed to be first, he called me yesterday and called me "miss". Huh? Do we have to be that proper and polite? Third, the conversation wasn't exactly what I would call entertaining. Despite that though, I agreed to meet him the next day for a picnic. He mentioned that his friends were supposed to be there, said there was going to be a lot of people there and that it should be fun. We'll see.
When I got home, my dad asked me where I was and I told him I went to meet the guy. See, the following is the reason I don't talk about my relationships at home - he started asking me questions immediately. I didn't feel like talking because I was still mad at him, but honestly, there wasn't much to say since I didn't know anything about this man myself. Except that his name is M., he is 27 years old and lives in Virginia.
Maybe I'll find out more tomorrow by meeting his friends... After all, you can learn a lot about a person from their friends.

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