Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Mariée. Partie deux.

I think there's a conspiracy. Tonight, the first thing I saw when I got home from work was my aunt, and my family all sitting in the living room. My first thought was that it can't be good... I was wrong. It was horrible. Turns out, my family plotted some kind of intervention and engaged my aunt to convince me to meet the guy. This was definitely getting absurd. Now I had to sit through another lecture, and it was coming from my family, and my aunt simultaneously. They tried to convince me to have him call me and possibly meet up. "If you don't like him, you won't meet again". Right... As if gossip doesn't spread with lightening speed. As if my grandmother would stay quiet in front of her friends and won't brag about me meeting the guy. Those seniors are worse than little kids and will talk about every little detail of our meeting. And taking into account the fact that his grandmother is also in that group, the date will be blown out of proportions and the wedding will be planned... At the end, I got so fed up I told them to do whatever they wanted and stormed out of the room. Soon thereafter, when my aunt left, someone knocked on my door.
Dad: So you really don't want to meet the guy?
Me: Duh. Which part of no don't you understand?
Dad: Well, in that case I'll tell grandmother not to give out your phone number.
Me: Do whatever you want, I don't care.
Dad: I'll tell her not to.
Damn, will I get off the hook this easy?

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