Sunday, June 03, 2007

Married away.

My folks definitely think it's time for me to get married. Yeah, right. Although a sceptic about the marriage itself, I do think that if you still decide to do it, you have to be ready. Mentally prepared. At this point of my life I am in no way want to jump into the union. Frankly, I don't know if I ever will.
This little tirade was actually caused by the recent pressure that my family is putting on me. Apparently, my grandmother's friend has a grandson, and both my grandmother and her friend conspired to get us acquainted. She brought it up a few days ago, suggesting we meet for drinks or whatnot. Naturally, I said no. Really, when did ever arranged dates work? Especially if your grandmothers set the up? Up until today, I thought we were past this issue... but then my dad decided to step in. Seriously, it's not like either of them ever even met the guy. I just had to endure an entire hour of their reasoning for our meeting. It went something like this:
Family: Why don't you meet the guy?
Me: Because I don't want to.
Family: But he's a nice guy from a good family.
Me: How can you say that if you don't even know him.
And it went on and on.
Apparently, my family thinks that I am constantly single since they haven't met any of the guys I went out with. In my mind though, I don't see the point of introducing them to the guys I don't feel serious about. And it makes even less sense for them to meet all the guys I date, because then it would be a different person every few months or so...

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